i. The Wayseeker

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The communicator at her hip was beeping loudly as the Jedi stopped, swiftly lowering her lightsaber and she was picking it up swiftly. "Yes?" She asked.

A familiar whining came through the communicator and her face changed as the news sunk it. "All right, I'm on my way back. Ready the ship for an attack." She said as she shut off the communicator and then she was turning off her lightsaber, which deactivated with a low and familiar hum.

Krilponnia let out a whine from the ship that had become their home and she was looking up, before they could see that there was something on the scanners.

"Can you sense anything in the sky?" She asked and then, the Wookiee was shaking his head quickly. "Come on now, Kril. Let's see who has found us." She stated and the Wookiee retrieved his lightsaber and they were walking out of the ship silently.

"Can you sense anything?" Krilponnia questioned her in Shyriiwook and then she glanced at him, before her eyebrows lifted in surprise and she nodded. "Why can't I, Master?"

"Because it is my speciality, Kril." She pointed out gently to her Padawan, who towered over her by a good two feet and he was still growing quickly, since he was a young Wookiee. "Come on then, now. It is time to greet our old friends." She said and the Vector was landing in front of them.

"Were you really planning to stab a fellow Jedi?" Yord questioned as she tilted her head to the side. "What is it?"

"You were a Padawan, the last time we spoke." She recalled and at the words from her, Krilponnia let out a screech of laughter and she was shaking her head. "Who in their right minds decided to give you a Padawan, despite being a freshly minted Jedi Knight?" She asked as she spotted his Padawan, a Zygerrian who looked distinctly out of place amongst the trees and mountains of Eriadu.

"You are Kalna Ornago." The young Zygerrian spoke up and she studied her. "A wayseeker, who often refused to obey the Jedi Council." The girl noted and Kalna sighed, before she shook her head.

"I don't know about refusing to obey. Those may be too harsh a sentiment, I just wanted to follow my own path." Kalna countered and she was looking at the Zygerrian. "You know who I am, who are you?" She asked.

"Tasi Lowa." The Padawan replied and Kalna nodded, before she glanced back to Yord who was watching her silently.

"Well, well. A Padawan learner, who is now just like you. That doesn't surprise me in the slightest. But speaking of, why are you here?" Kalna questioned and Yord swiftly pulled a holo out of his pocket and then, he was tossing it over to her.

Kalna caught it in both hands as she activated it, her eyes widening at the information.

"Master Indara?" She asked and he nodded slightly. Kalna closed her eyes briefly as she steadied her heartbeat, before she opened them again and she was tossing the holo disc back to him. "Who killed her?" Kalna questioned with an almost steady voice.

Behind her now, Krilponnia let out a mournful howl. "Steady yourself, Kril." She said and her Padawan reluctantly fell silent at the order. "Who?" She asked and Yord sighed.

"We have a witness. Who gave the description of somebody, that looked exactly like Osha." Yord stated and then, her eyes narrowed at the words and she nodded slightly. "We have orders from the Jedi Council to apprehend her and yours should have come in by now."

"Kril, go and check." Kalna said and Krilponnia did so, before he came back with a shrug.

"Our orders have come through, Master." She nodded. "We are to go with Yord and his Padawan to apprehend this former Padawan of Master Sol's."

"All right, then. Where are we headed?" She questioned.

"The coordinates, they would have already come in, with your orders." Yord reminded her as she nodded.

"Master?" Krilponnia questioned and then he was looking over at Kalna, who took a deep breath as the other duo of Knight and Padawan were walking away together.

"Gather what we need, Kril. We have already stayed here for too long and now, we have our orders." She said and Kril was whining, before she reached out a hand and she rested it on his arm. "We will have time for grief later, young Wookiee. Let's go." She stated.

Krilponnia was nodding his head in acknowledgement, before they were packing up what little they had and they were getting into the Vector.

After getting the dust off of the wings that hadn't flown in a while, they were soaring up into the sky after the other Vector and Krilponnia quickly flipped switches in his cockpit and Kalna had always preferred to be out of the cockpit, rather than stuck in it completely.

After flying for a while, they swiftly dropped out of hyperspace and at the sight of the ship, Kalna's eyes narrowed. "Trade Federation?" She questioned.

"Yes, apparently." Yord replied and Kalna was shaking her head. "They lack strength of the mind, it will not be difficult for us to find out what we need." He said as she was shaking her head.

"Master. When did everybody become so comfortable with using mind-probes and mind tricks to achieve our ends?" Krilponnia questioned and Kalna sighed.

"I don't know." She was quietly murmuring right back to him in Shyriiwook and briefly they waited, before they were directed by the crew members over their communicators to dock onboard.

They were promptly doing so, before they walked onboard the ship together and Kalna was fidgeting with her shoto lightsaber even before she had gotten out of the Vector, that sailed across the sky with both her and Krilponnia at the helm.

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