xiii. Where are you?

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Kalna had just been silently now laying down on her bunk for hours, waiting for the pounding knocks on her door to stop and she was waiting it out, until it finally did. "I didn't mean for you to hear what I said at all." Yord spoke through the door as Kalna's eyes were half-closed.

"Well, you're a little late for that." She muttered and he scoffed. "If you didn't mean to say it, then why would you?" She asked as he was looking at the door from the other side.

"Because... Because I'm not like you." Kalna sat up, looking over at the door. "I don't look at somebody and instantly, know exactly what they are feeling and how I can help them. I don't know what they need, I don't know what they've gone through, what they've done to cover it up... I need to be more of a... More of an..."

"Stick-up-your-ass, nerf-herding and stuck-up tool-face?" Kalna questioned, her wide array of insults hadn't gotten any less imaginative after years away and Yord sighed on the other side of the door. "I knew the rules about attachment, Yord. But I instinctively form attachments with almost all of the beings that I meet." She murmured and there was no response. "Blessing and a curse, I guess."

"Try not to rip the whole ship apart if you have a nightmare again." Yord replied simply, ignoring the last part of her words entirely and she could hear him walking away as she shook her head at him, before she was staring up at the ceiling again.

"Hey there, kiddo." Kalna's eyes darkened as she was sitting up fast, looking around her room with the urgency of a panicked animal, before something across her room caught her eye. Kalna looked over at the familiar face that sat on the opposite bunk. "Did you miss me?"

"You should stop haunting me, before somebody realizes what's wrong." She warned and he laughed at the words. "You're a ghost, a memory of somebody that was once here. Twisted into someone, something that I don't even recognize."

"Well... Who is going to tell them, if you can't?" He wondered tauntingly and she glared sharply at him. "If I die, so do you. If we die, the secret goes to the grave. Don't pretend like you haven't thought about it, Kal. I know you better than anybody else and if you even try to tell somebody..." He tilted his head at her. "I'll kill those Jedi that follow you around like lost pets and you won't be able to do a damn thing about it."

"What the hell do you want from me?" Kalna asked very quietly as she was watching him with pain in her eyes, shaking her head at the sight of the twisted grin on his face. He was enjoying the pain that he was causing her, with all the secrecy and the threats, she could see it shining in his eyes. "What can I do to make the bloodshed stop?"

"Join me and I won't hurt them." Kalna flinched at the words, drawing herself quickly back to her full height and he grinned at her. "You asked what you could do, those are my terms. Join me and leave the Jedi behind and I won't hurt them."

"Where are you?" Kalna asked and he smirked.

"You already know that answer." He said and with a quick blink, he was gone. Kalna found herself staring at the spot where he had been, before she put her head in her hands and she was shaking.

Kalna fell asleep after a while, but all she had were nightmares as she was back in her own head with visions that ripped through her sense of reality and nightmares.

Lightsabers glowed as the different colored blades made a symphony of color against the darkness of the night, before a noticeable red blade was attacking them all at once. Jedi fell to this blade, before she lunged forward and her white blade was clashing in a fury against the opposite one.

Kalna could hear people yelling behind her, trying to encourage her and now, she was entirely focused on the fight in front of her.

Kalna woke up with a sharp inhale as she was leaning forward, now quietly resting both of her elbows on her knees and she was breathing heavily. A knock came on the door and Kalna was looking up, before Jecki walked into the room and Kalna sighed. "I'm okay." She said and Jecki smiled sadly, before she sat down next to her.

"If you keep saying that to yourself, you may actually start to believe it one day." Jecki murmured and Kalna couldn't help but laugh at the words. "Can you teach me that move that you used on Yord?" Jecki asked and Kalna glanced over at her.

"You mean the disarming one?" Kalna clarified and Jecki nodded. "If Master Sol says yes, then yes. I promise that I will teach you, but only if he says yes." She insisted and Jecki promptly was shouting the question and Kalna laughed at the excitement on her face, when Sol said yes to the inquiry and Kalna chuckled.

"That... You do know, that wasn't what I meant." Kalna spoke up after she had managed to regain control of her laughter, reining it back in and Jecki nodded.

"I know. But it was good to see you laugh, you are too sullen." Jecki replied instantly without missing a beat and Kalna's jaw dropped, before Kalna looked all too amused at the words and she was bringing her lightsaber over to her.

"Come on now, Padawan. I believe that I have a move to teach you." They both got up and they were walking out of the room to the central area. Kalna held out the lightsaber to Jecki, who was igniting the white lightsaber with a grin on her face.

Kalna carefully grabbed her wrist as Jecki watched, when it seemed like in the span of a mere second, Kalna's lightsaber was back in her hands and pointed at Jecki, who was holding up her hands in surrender. "It's about the element of surprise." Kalna said as she deactivated the lightsaber quickly. "Now, try it on me." Kalna said and Jecki's eyes widened.

"Come on now, Padawan. I can't let you use this move if you refuse to try it in a practice environment." She said and Jecki nodded slightly.

"What if we duel one another, then? That way, it will be a true surprise to the other, whenever one of us actually pulls it off." Jecki suggested and Kalna glanced at her, before she shrugged.

"All right, then." Kalna agreed as she held out her shoto blade to Jecki, who shook her head at the offered blade.

"You should duel one another, once we are back on Coruscant." Sol called out and Kalna turned around to look at him. "More space and much less likely, to cut through something that we desperately need." He said as she sighed.

"All right, then. Coruscant it is." Kalna agreed.

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