xi. Quiet Admissions

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"You look exactly like her." The guy from the apothecary stated and as soon as Osha's eyes flashed, she was pulling out the weapon and backing away. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait!" He shouted. "Hold on."

"Back away." Yord said to Osha as he immediately walked through the door and ignited his lightsaber, pointing it directly at Qimir in a familiar fighting stance. "Where is Mae?" He asked.

In the fairly dark apothecary, the yellow beam of energy from the lightsaber seemed to glow like a second sun and Kalna walked into the apothecary from the back entrance and while she held her hand against the lightsaber at her waist, she neither drew nor ignited the blade.

Kalna, she felt very strongly about the fact that the threat was clear enough with Yord's lightsaber already pointing directly at Qimir, who seemed terrified. "Hold on, hold on..." Qimir began and then he was turning around, right on time for Jecki to stop him in his tracks.

"We know you supplied Mae with the poison that killed Master Torbin. We have your full confession." Jecki held up the recorder disc and Qimir backed up again, only to run into Krilponnia, who had joined them in the smallish building with a loud roar.

Qimir yelped in a panicked state of mind and now, he was surrounded from all sides and Kalna was glaring at the floor silently as she was very much trying to avoid the thoughts that plagued her, about being in such a small space.

"Wait, wait, wait. That isn't my thing. This is her. I didn't know what she was going to do with that stuff." The guy was back pedalling and Kalna's eyes flashed.

"He's lying." She spoke up and they all looked at her. "Trust me, he's lying." Kalna repeated.

"If you cooperate with us, we will consider letting you go with only a warning." Sol said carefully and Qimir looked relieved at the words.

"Okay, thank you. Thank you, sir. Please don't do the memory wipe thing or whatever it is that you guys do." Kalna was fidgeting again.


Kalna was only partially surprised to hear Yord's voice in her head as she didn't look at him, but she could feel his presence in the back of her mind.

"Stay calm, we need you here. Please don't make Jecki and I, regret vouching for you."

Kalna's hands stilled as she had briefly zoned out, before they were headed back out of the apothecary quickly.

Kalna was silently pacing on the balcony and she was gritting her teeth. "Why are you pacing around like an animal in a cage right now?" Yord asked and Kalna stopped, before she was starting to pace again.

"Because I hate standing around here and doing nothing." Kalna freely admitted and then he was glancing over at her. "And before you say that I was doing nothing, when I was a Wayseeker..."

"I wasn't going to say that, Kal." Yord interrupted her, before she could go on a tangent. "I know better than that, especially since you had a Padawan to train." He said.

"Good thing for that. Because then, I definitely would have been forced to kick your ass if you had." Kalna explained and then he was looking at her, before he was nodding. "I chose the most obscure planets with the mountains and the forest, because it meant that I didn't have to interact with a bunch of beings, every day." She admitted.

"I remember what it was like, when you first started to show such extreme pain at just all of the emotions you were feeling, all of the time. Those emotions, all of them that weren't even yours." Yord remembered.

"Yeah, well... Some days, I couldn't even move from how bad it was. I could hear everything, feel everything and I couldn't differentiate between mine and everything else. It scared me more than anything and from fear..."

"...Comes pain?" Yord guessed and she was shaking her head.

"I was going to say that fear leads to unbalance. But, yes. Also in another way from fear, pain does come." Kalna said as she shook her head, leaning her head back against the wall. "Fear, I guess... Of not knowing who you are, anymore." She muttered.

"Well, it's a good thing that I shut the comlink off." Yord stated simply and she scoffed. "I've got a question for you and if nothing else, I want an honest answer." He said and she was nodding.

"All right, shoot." Kalna stated.

"Why don't you ever draw your main lightsaber anymore in a potential combat situation?" Yord asked and silently, she was looking down at her lightsaber, before she was taking it off of her belt and she looked at the initials, that she had burned into the hilt. Along with the faintly carved design of a Loth Wolf, a symbol of the planet that she had been born and raised on. Until the day her family died and Kelnacca had found her on the planet, alone.

"Because I prefer to find diplomatic solutions. To use my emotions and to... To connect with people, just without using a lightsaber or threats or... or Jedi mind tricks to do it." She said and swiftly, she hung it back on her belt. "I suppose that I am one of those Jedi, who refuses to draw their weapon unless willing to kill." Kalna murmured quietly and he was nodding. "If you are going to look inside my head to verify the truth, then go ahead. But a fair warning for you, Yord. You won't find anything different in there, that hasn't already been said." Kalna murmured.

"I don't need to look inside of your head, Kal, to know when you're being honest or dishonest." Yord said and she was looking out over the town again. "But, considering that I dragged you into this... I will buy you a drink when we get Mae into custody." He said and she was looking over at him, with a flicker of a ghost grin crossing her face.

"Thanks Yord." Kalna said and she was turning back around to the night sky and he was leaning on the railing, looking around at the crowd. "Wait... I sense something is coming." She said and then he was swiftly glancing over at her, before she was looking at the people. "There." She said and pointed.

Yord turned on the binocs and his eyes flashed, before he turned on the comlink again with a familiar chirp. "I see her. It's Mae. She's approaching." He said and Kalna glanced at him. "Nice work, Kal." He said as she nodded slightly, before they were both watching Mae and Sol fighting.

When Mae tried to run, Yord forced her backwards with a Force push and Kalna leaped down from a nearby balcony. "Don't do it!" She called out loudly, but it was too late for that and then, Mae made a cloud of sand to hide her path.

They missed her and Krilponnia growled loudly in frustration and Kalna glanced at her Padawan, before she was nodding and the Wookiee let out a mournful whine.

"Let's go." Kalna said quietly and swiftly now, she was walking past Osha and toward the ship that Jecki had landed.

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