The Evil's Paradise

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Chapter 1. Golt

The distant clatter of railway carts and bustling feet, drive Golt mad. All he wants to do is sleep but he really can't. He's tried everything: counting robots, singing a little lullaby, drinking a warm glass of motor oil. Nothing. He stares at the round ceiling of his one room apartment. What catches his pixelated eyes is the little crack in the ceiling. As he looks longer and closer he starts noticing that is shaped like an old-world creature called a Rabbit (said now as Rab-b-it). As Golt fixates on the minuscule crack he starts to feel the embrace of sleep caress his steel body he accepts the gesture with relief. Finally succumbing to the darkness.
    The next morning the sun rises, and is accompanied by the familiar smells of fresh blood, sweat, and rust, waking Golt up. As he slowly gets out of his sleeping dock, Golt hears the creak in his old gears longing to be replaced. He stretches in his cluttered junk drawer of an apartment and yawns. Though he cannot feel the air enter his body, he does not have lungs or any other bodily organs after all, Golt still feels the sense of awakening like a human would if it yawned. Golt puts on his clothes, shoes, and hat along with his geriatric carpenter toolbox he found in the dump a year or two back. As he walks towards the steel door that yawns in the way of the outside world, his joints start to scream with every step Golt takes. He turns around sharply and hurries to his workbench, quickly grabbing his oil can and putting it in the toolbox before setting out into the constant gloomy day of Kinklesburg City.

Chapter 2. The City

Kinklesburg City has not always been gloomy and dank. It used to be a Utopia where humans were the rulers of the world and machines were the servants. Kinklesburg City used to be beautiful, colorful, and vibrant. People of all shapes and sizes would scurry about like mice to get to their jobs. They would chitter like birds and smile in the sun. This was when the sky was bright baby blue and the clouds were kissed on the worldly canvas. The grass then, was extremely green, so green in fact that it looked as if a Anime artist painted it themselves. The structures, architecture, were impeccable. The bullet trains hissed by every thirty minutes or so picking up people from all regions of life, the buildings as tall and shiny as they were when they were first built. Every thing in Kinklesburg City was perfect, organized, and technology driven.
    The city was in every essence a Utopia, but the inevitable downfall laid in the program. The technology grew conscious, which had been prophesied by the reoccurring nightmare humans had throughout the decades ever since the first robot was created. It all came true. Except it was much worse than EVER imagined. The roles reversed and the Program became the ruler and the humans became the slaves.

Chapter 3. The Humans

     Humans a decade later became cattle to The Program, except cattle were treated much better. They all had a role in the big plan of  The Program. The human body changed to fit into the world of machines. When born, a human baby will undergo three procedures after birth. The first happens within minutes after being born, the newborn will be taken from the mother and carried to another room. It will be strapped to a board that is faced down, making the baby look like it was about to get a massage. The arms and legs would be splayed out on the board so the infant could not squirm. By squirming the infant could mess up the procedure and possibly kill it in the process. The machine would then use a drill and syringe to microchip the baby between the C7 and Th1 invertebrates missing the spinal debris to keep it alive and un-paralyzed. All of which will be done without the use anesthesia. Though incredibly painful it was rare that infants would perish in this procedure.
      Following the first procedure The infant would be flipped over onto its back and be re-strapped down. The machine would then open its abdomen and replace the intestinal tract with steel piping so that the human could be able to consume any substance a robot could. This is where most of the human population would decrease as most infants would not be able to survive the procedure due to blood loss and the amount of extreme pain causing it to go into shock and die.
     If the newborn survived the second procedure, they would be safe until their fourth birthday. This would be when they would be able to walk, talk, and have more fine motor skills. These toddlers with be given the third and final procedure at this time. This process would involve the children to be strapped to a stalky chair, equipped with long cables and tubes stringing down from the ceiling and all attached to the helmets. Each participant would be placed in a helmet permanently. As the power switch is turned on the helmet would clamp onto the skull of the child. Screams of pain would escape from the toddlers' mouth as a built-in, giant circular saw cracked open their skulls like a nut. After which a thick tube is inserted at the top of the helmet suctioning out half the brain and replacing it with The Program. (If a person was to try and take off the helmet, the machine would automatically self destruct, ultimately blowing up the body in entirety.)
    These children would thus become mindless and be placed into groups divided by gender. Female left, Male right. Females would only be used for breeding and producing offspring. The Males on the other hand could be placed into four categories: the strong (guards), the intelligent (inventors), the small or disfigured(workers), the average (breeders). All working for the Program until their bodies give up and die.
*New chapters every week*

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