Welcome Home

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The scene opens with Spencer finishing up her physical evaluation. The doctor, a kindly older man with a reassuring smile, says, "Say ahh," and Spencer obediently opens her mouth, sticking out her tongue. He uses his stethoscope to listen to her lungs. "Okay, now take a deep breath in for me, Spencer. Now hold it. Now let it out."

Spencer follows his instructions, her small chest rising and falling as the doctor listens carefully. Satisfied, he nods and puts away his stethoscope. "Alright, it looks like you are good to go home today. You might feel a little tired for the next few days, which is normal, so please rest and take it easy."

Spencer's face lights up with a smile. "Can I go horseback riding? And help out on the ranch?"

Rip gives her a playful glare. "Doc, I think you need to check her ears again. I don't think she heard you the first time."

The doctor chuckles. "Actually, yes, you can go riding. But no chores for at least a month. Once you come back in for a check-up, then we can discuss more. How does that sound?"

Spencer furrows her brows, looking genuinely disappointed. "But I like doing my chores."

Beth rubs Spencer's back soothingly. "Don't worry, baby. You'll have the rest of your life to do chores."

Everyone in the room lets out a light laugh. The doctor bids them farewell and leaves the room.

Rip picks up Spencer, cradling her gently. "You ready to go home, cub?"

Spencer smiles and nuzzles her head into his chest. "Yes, please. I can't wait to sleep in my own bed."

Rip and Beth exchange a knowing smirk.

"Well, in your bed, but same difference," Spencer continues with a sleepy grin.

Beth smiles warmly and gently rubs Spencer's cheek. "As long as you're comfortable, baby."

Rip smiles, grabs Beth's hand, and they leave the hospital together. They make their way to the truck, Rip carrying Spencer securely, and begin the drive back to the ranch. 

As the truck rumbles down the dusty road toward the ranch, the family of three enjoys the warmth of being together. Spencer, seated in the back seat gazes out the window, her little hands folded in her lap.

Rip glances at her in the rearview mirror, his voice gentle, "So, kiddo, did you know that your grandpa is now the governor of Montana?"

Spencer's eyes widen with curiosity. "Really? What does that mean?"

Beth turns in her seat to look at her daughter. "It means he has a lot of responsibilities now, making decisions for the whole state. And I work with him too in Helena."

Spencer's face falls a little, her gaze shifting back to the passing scenery outside. Beth notices the change immediately. She reaches her hand from the front seat and holds onto Spencer's small hand, her voice soft and full of concern. "What's wrong, P?"

Spencer shakes her head, still looking out the window, her shoulders slumping slightly. Beth exchanges a worried glance with Rip, her heart aching as she realizes why Spencer is sad.

Rip clears his throat, breaking the silence. "Good news is, Mama isn't going back to Helena for a while. You'll have her all to yourself until then."

Beth smiles at Rip, mouthing a heartfelt thank you before leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. Spencer, hearing Rip's words and turns back to her mother, her eyes wide with hope.

 "Is that true, Mama?"

Beth squeezes Spencer's hand gently, her voice tender and reassuring. "Baby, the one thing your daddy would never do is lie, especially to you."

Penny for your Thoughts : A Yellowstone inspired storyWhere stories live. Discover now