Early riser

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Beth lay in bed, unable to sleep, her eyes fixed on Spencer's peaceful face. The early morning light had not yet begun to filter through the curtains, leaving the room in a serene darkness. The steady rhythm of Spencer's breathing under her hand was both a comfort and a tether to the present.

Rip stirred beside her, his internal clock waking him up as it always did at the crack of dawn. He glanced at the clock on the nightstand—it read 5:00 AM. Carefully, he sat up, trying not to disturb Spencer's slumber, and turned to see Beth sitting upright, her eyes wide and her hand gently resting on their daughter's stomach.

"Did you get any sleep?" Rip asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Beth shook her head, her voice hushed and filled with lingering fear. "I'm afraid I'll shut my eyes and she'll be gone again."

Rip nodded, understanding her fear all too well. "You know what this reminds me of?"

Beth tilted her head slightly, curiosity mingling with her exhaustion. "What?"

Rip smiled, the memory bringing warmth to his eyes. "When we first brought her home from the hospital and you wouldn't sleep unless someone was watching her every second."

Beth smiled, a soft laugh escaping her lips. "Oh yeah," she said, her eyes twinkling with reminiscence. "I remember one night, you were so exhausted but still insisted on staying up. I found you sitting by her crib, half-asleep, holding a baby monitor and a baseball bat."

Rip chuckled, the memory vivid in his mind. "I wasn't going to let anything happen to my girls."

Beth's laughter grew. "You were so paranoid, you checked every window and door three times before you even thought about closing your eyes."

"Can you blame me?" Rip said, smiling back. "I could spend all day watching her sleep. She's so perfect."

Beth's eyes softened, the love she felt for Rip and Spencer washing over her like a warm wave. She leaned over their sleeping daughter, pressing a tender kiss to Rip's lips. "We did good, didn't we?" she whispered.

Rip cupped her face, his thumb brushing away a tear she didn't know had fallen. "Yeah, we did good."

They both looked down at Spencer, who shifted slightly in her sleep, murmuring softly. Beth's heart swelled with a mixture of relief and gratitude. The nightmare of nearly losing her was still fresh, but this moment, with her family close, was a balm to her soul.

Rip squeezed Beth's hand gently. "I'll be down at the barn most of the day if you need me. You two stay here and rest up."

Beth nodded, though she knew sleep would still elude her. "Thank you," she said softly.

Rip kissed her forehead and then Spencer's, before quietly slipping out of bed to get dressed for the day. Beth watched him go, her heart full of love for the man who had been her rock through it all.

Left alone with Spencer, Beth lay back down, still keeping her hand on her daughter's stomach. She watched the slow rise and fall of Spencer's chest, the soft glow of dawn beginning to lighten the room. Beth knew that the road ahead would still have its challenges, but for now, she allowed herself to breathe, to savor the preciousness of this moment.

As the first light of day finally broke through, bathing the room in a gentle warmth, Beth whispered a silent promise to herself and her daughter. "I will never take you for granted, my sweet girl."

Spencer stirred slightly, nestling closer to her mother, and Beth finally allowed herself to close her eyes, feeling a tentative peace settle over her.

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