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This chapter has like no smut, anyways.. enjoy!

Y/N, Pony and Johnny were all at the drive in movie. You usually go every weekend if everyone's free (which they usually are). You sit in the front row of the seats, next to Cherry Valance. Halfway through the movie you hears a familiar New York accent..
"Hey doll." He whispers in your ear. You look behind yourself to see the one and only, Dallas Winston.
"Hey Dal." You responds rolling your eyes. "Why so mad?" He says while getting close to you. You look at Dally and glare at him. "Is that your real hair color?" He says while touching your hair. He continues to tease you until you have had enough. "Get lost, hood!" You say. "We got a feisty on here, huh?" He replies and leans back into his chair. "I said get lost!" You say while looking at him. "Leave her alone, Dal" Johnny says. "What did you say to me you little shit?" He says while looking Johnny in his eyes. He gets no response. "Fine. I see I'm not wanted here." He says while dramatically walking away. You thank Johnny for standing up for you and watch Dally walk away. You always knew he had a bad home life, I mean his dad was an alcoholic and his mom wasn't the greatest. You was a Soc, and he was a greaser. In the end, it would never work between you two.

The movie went on, while you think about Dallas and the whole encounter. You think about how much of an asshole he is, and how that is rude how he treats women but, he was pretty good looking .No! What are you thinking?... He is the one of the most dangerous men at Tulsa. You can't even count how many times you heard he was back in the cooler, or in trouble with the fuzz. At the end of the movie, Cherry and you talk.
"I have to say, that Dallas Winston is dreamy." Cherry says while nudging you. You roll your eyes in response. "You think he's cute?" You ask Cherry. "Maybe a bit." she says while giggling. Great.

You go home, and take a shower, Dallas Winston on your mind. She climbs into bed and falls asleep.

You wakes up suddenly.... what time is it? You check the clock.. 2:00 AM. You fall back into bed and hears a slight knock on your window. You get up abruptly. Who is it? Is it just a tree? You grab the closest item on your nightstand... which was your lamp. She approaches her window and sees a figure. You hit the intruder in the face... the person falls down and says "shit, I'm bleeding", the person has a very familiar voice.

Dallas Winston x Reader Where stories live. Discover now