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                            (smut warning😭😭)
You guys had a great time at the Curtis house. Well he did, you just sat in his lap and looked pretty. You both walked home together, hand in hand while he complimented you on everything. "Darlin. You look mind blowing right now, I need to keep you to myself." He would say while looking you up and down. You would just blush while he would go on about your looks. "Oh god, just wait till we get home." He says while biting his lip. He's like a little boy who wants something, he won't let it go until he gets it. You both arrive to his house, which is a decent house. There is some beer bottles scattered around and the scent of cigarette smoke fills the room. "My beautiful house." He says while chucking. He leads you to his room, a few clothes on the floor and a little messy, but it was the typical room you would expect from him. He closes the door and locks it and walks towards you. "I cannot seem to take my eyes off of you, doll." He says while tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. He puts his big hands of his on your waist, leading you down to his bed. He whispers in your ear, "can you be a good girl, and take it for me?" He says while running a hand up and down your thighs. You nod while he stares at you while running his hands up your shirt, taking it off. He admires you and un-clips your bra and throws it on the floor. He worships your boobs, kissing them both and rubbing your waist and chest. His hands make it to your legs, tugging on your short skirt, pulling it off and kissing your thighs. "I can't control myself." He says while looking you in the eyes as he takes off your panties. He hungrily runs a finger on your clit, making you bit your lip. He shoves two fingers inside of you while eating you out. You moan loudly as he makes you feel all sorts of pleasure.  You hit your climax, holding onto his shoulders as you gasp and moan. "Such a good doll." He says to you while taking off his shirt and pants. You admire his toned body and his throbbing cock as he takes off his boxers. "Oh god.." you whisper quietly. He walks towards you and opens your thighs, putting your pussy on display for him. He slaps his cock on it while teasing you, after a bit of teasing you he thrusts into you. He gives out little pants as you hold on for dear life. "Dal~!" You yell as he cums inside of you. He stops and cleans you up. You both cuddle and have a good night together ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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