Angsty Teenanger Stuff

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"Okay I won't screw this got this..." Reassured a twitchy Kato, sweeping his hair in various directions, spraying cheap cologne like there's no tomorrow. "don't mess this won't mess this" he stared himself in the mirror, his eye-bags were large and his hair was as messy as a rats nest, the boy sighed, "Yup, I'm going to screw this up." 

Despite the  butterflies in his stomach, he finished tying his tie- which was perfectly white, pure as always- and tried his best to style his hair, wishing his mom were around to assist him. "Don't worry, Kato.." he continued, "Father won't be disappointed, he loves you. He just..wants the best for you.." he squinted his eyes, cringing at his finished look. His hair was anything but fixed- and his tie looked like a four year old had put it together.

He attempted to fix the mess, but then a familiar voice intervened, "Kato!" Kato jumped at the sound, his mind going into a frenzy. The voice had been Alaric's- Kato's dad. If Kato wasn't ready on time..oh no oh no oh no!! Kato went dashing for his ivory door, opening it at a rampant pace.

"Hey, Dad!" He said in an enthusiastic tone, his smile large and fake. He put his hands on his hips, trying to show a sense of pride and confidence- but his father knew better.

"Kato." He said calmly, giving the boy a glare, "You look like a mess. Did you sleep alright?"

"Sleep?" Kato said blankly, leading to a couple awkward seconds of silence, "Oh..yes! Sleep! Yes! Slept so well- slept like the king of sleeping! Lots of sleeping here- I sheeped many counts! Haha!"

His father lowered his eyebrows, then entered his room. The room was a mess- books scattered across the floor, sticky notes of speeches decorated against the walls, and the place smelt of cheap cologne. Alaric picked up one of his books and made a face of disgust, "You were reading.."

Kato's face turned red, "No-uhm yes- a little. But was about-"

"Ghosts!" His father yelled, pointing a finger of accusation, "You've been reading about ghosts?"

"No!" Kato defended, quickly snatching the book from his father's hand, "I'd never do that-"

His father pointed to the book in Kato's hand, "Then explain why it's quite literally named, 'Monsters, Ghosts, and all the Paranormal In-betweens!?!?'"

Kato went speechless, "Uhm... typo?" His father went silent, shaking his head in disappointment, Kato seemed to wilt as he collapsed on the floor, "I'm sorry, Father! I just saw it laying around in your library and I was curious! I didn't mean to make you upset!"

Alaric kneeled down, resting his hand on Kato's shoulder, "Kato... I'm not mad..okay? You could never make me mad." He gave the boy a gentle smile, "Just..lay off the fantasy from now on, eh?"

Kato nodded his head, and stood back up. "Understood." His mind started to go to other things, "So.. whats going to be my job today?!" He smiled excitedly, nervously giddy to contribute to his father's business.

His father's grin formed into a frown, "About that..." his voice trailed off, "I have paperwork, that uh..needs to be sorted."

Kato felt his smile fade into oblivion, "What? But why? I thought I could finally guard the prisoners! Or.." he looked down to the floor, "Or at least finally do something important."

Alaric formed a fake smile, "Well I have lots of paperwork! And..nobody to sort! So you are doing something important, son!"

Kato looked up in disbelief, "is this about the reading? Is this a punishment?"

Alaric shook his head, "No, no! Of course not-"

"Then why, Father? Why am I not good enough?"

Alaric's eyes narrowed, "of course you're good enough, you're just not..." he hesitated, "You're not ready for a big job." He brought back his fake smile, "But hey- next time definitely-"

"Next time?" Kato crossed his arms, "I'm sick of the next times and the 'maybes' I want to be taken seriously, Father! I want to help you! So let me!"

Alaric shook his head, his face stern, "Do not speak to me that way, go to your room."


"Now!" His Father yelled, his face overworked and almost decayed- leaving Kato more guilty than ever.

"okay." Kato responded, attempting to hide his own sadness.

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