Paper Sorting Gets A Little...Heated

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Kato sat in isolation as he organized papers- he counted his fingers as a way to entertain himself from the boring job at hand- the office was pure white, and empty. The loneliness of it all made Kato a bit wary. Kato sighed as he decided that counting fingers 50 times was pointless and he began to read the papers- maybe one of them could be somewhat interesting! He took one with a promising title: Ghosts Found In Haunted Mansion.

"Wonder how this slipped past my dad's security.." he mumbled grabbing the paper and reading it to himself, "'Ghosts found in haunted mansion...'yes duh that was the title...'they sing to guests?' The fuck? I thought they were evil? 'Want to see for yourself? Come to Didney Wurld for the cheap price of...100000 dollars?!?" Kato groaned, "I hate advertisements."

Kato's ears perked when he heard a knock on his door- which was probably the only thing in the room that wasn't PURE was more an..extremely light gray. "Come in." Kato responded, eager to hear someone else but himself speak.

It was his father, with a huge jolly smile seemingly forced upon his face. "Kato!" He exclaimed, running toward his son and embracing him, "I have wonderful news!"

Kato raised an eyebrow in suspicion, his father was never this happy. Despite this, Kato accepted the hug and returned the smile, "What is it?"

"I got you lessons!"

Kato felt an uncontrollable joy overtake his body, "I can finally learn magic? Oh holy shitballs this is great!" He giddily jumped up and down as if he were a toddler, though his sediment didn't seem to please his father, as he merely stood there with   a sad frown painted across his face.

"No...not those kind of lessons!" Alaric corrected. He gave Kato a face of concern, "Why would you even think I would give you those in the first place...?"

Kato went red, " was a joke! Haha! Yes- yes a joke! I mean lessons on magic I mean who am I-uh...Harold Porter?" Kato awaited a response from his father to no avail- Alaric merely stood there with a nonchalant expression on his face, one that made Kato all twitchy. "So uh.." Kato awkwardly said, "what lessons are you giving me?"

Alaric gave his son a gentle smile, "I was able to convince my employees to allow you lessons in..." Alaric bit his tongue, trying to find the correct words to say, "Thinking inside the box? No no- lessons on...not being uh...uhm."

"You got me lessons to teach me to 'not be crazy' didn't you?" Kato sadly corrected, his face wilting toward the floor.

Alaric became defensive, "No- no that's not the name, Kato!" He kneeled down to meet his son's eyes, giving him a look of care.

"I can't believe you." Kato responded, squeezing his fists, "why are you always so on top of me- examining every action I do! It's exhausting, father!" Kato looked away, "And now..even you think I'm crazy..just for trying to help people."

The last sentence was a bullet to Alaric's heart, "I would never think that of you! I'm just doing what's best for you, Kato!"

"Whatever." Kato said as he walked toward the door and left the room, not even bothering to say goodbye.

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