The Imprisonment of the Mind P1

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Kato stood alone in his room, countless annoying cockroaches invading his space. He had been throwing darts onto his dart board. To his frustration, his aim progressively got worse, he had been quite close to the target at his first shot but now he had been struggling to even hit the board. "Gee. This is like my attempts at impressing my dad." He sarcastically remarked.

"You kept my secret?" Kato jumped as he tried to find the source of the giddy voice, it had been the platinum blonde ghost again; taunting him as if he were a fool.

"What do you mean?" He grumbled, removing his darts from the board, she gave him a genuine smile.

"Despite your brattiness earlier you didn't rat me out. I appreciate it." Her voice was soft yet mature, Kato wondered how long the girl was dead for.

"Whatever." He mumbled, removing the final dart, "Don't think it means anything. The only reason I didn't do it was to spite my dad."

The ghost rolled her eyes, "Right. Well if you're going to keep being moody I'll remove myself from the room and go annoy somebody else."

Kato rolled his eyes, "Yeah, fine whatever. If I didn't rat you out the next person you decide to harass most definitely will, ghostie."

The girl merely sighed, "You called my bluff." She floated toward the boy, "how rude of me, I never introduced myself, did I? I'm Estelle, a powerful? And skilled fighter-"

"Good for you." He interrupted, putting his focus on organizing his already clean shelves.

Estelle understood that he was just purposely ignoring her- she was pretty sick of the annoying teenagers she had been dealing with lately. But she also took notice of the banned book from earlier just hiding in the corner of his room, pretty much begging to be found. "What a silly hiding spot." She remarked, grabbing the thing. She opened the story and found that the boy had marked the spot where it explained how Alaric had discovered magic, she formed a face of curiosity. "So when are you going to try it?"

Kato didn't bother responding, he was "busy" reorganizing his organized shelves.

"Ahem." Estelle said, hands on her hips, "I can kill you within seconds so I suggest you answer my question...asshole."

He sighed and turned around, "I'm not going to try it. Who knows what trouble my father will put me in if I even dare get close to a monster's blood."

Estelle shook her head, "You said it yourself, though, the only way you can make him proud is breaking a couple of rules and getting your hands just a little dirty." She stared at the page, there had been an oddly graphic drawing of the monster's guts lying around the place, "Very dirty."

"Yes, because listening to you is just such a good idea." He said sarcastically, snatching the book from her transparent hands. "Your kind is bringing trouble to millions of people just like me- and I'll never forget that."

Estelle gave him a threatening stare, "I don't like your tone, young man. All I've done is help you and what I get is a couple..'speciest' comments! I mean really grow up if you think I'M the direct reason why a couple humans are dying!" She was starting to lose control as a mini storm broke out in Kato's room, "I mean really?! I try to be a good person; try to find my humanity. And whenever I do there are people like you being little bitches trying to ruin my god damn day! I hope you-"

The wind was becoming more powerful, and Kato fell backwards onto his shelf, holding on for dear life, "I just organized this shelf come on!!!" Thunder started to erupt in his room and he knew he had to act fast if he were to not get caught. "I'm sorry Estelle," he said cautiously, his heart beating at a rampant pace, "You were right, you had been nothing but helpful and I've just been an asshole, my deepest condolences."

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