Arrival 2 (M) - Jo Yuri & Choi Yena

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As you head out into the hallway, you notice that the next door down is propped open, with faint sounds of frustrated exertion emanating from inside.  When your own door swings shut somewhat loudly, the sounds stop, and a second later the same cute blonde woman you'd seen outside the dorm earlier appears in her doorway.  "Excuse me," she says on seeing you, "is there any chance you could help me out for a moment?"

"Sure," you reply, always eager to make a good impression on your neighbors (especially when they're cute).

"Thanks so much," she says, stepping back and gesturing you towards her room.  Ducking inside, you see that this is a smaller double room, neatly split down the middle with a bed, dresser, and desk on each side.  The right side of the room is already set up, with the bed made, a few study items set out neatly on the desk, and even an Olivia Rodrigo poster on the wall.  Across on the left, however, is still unsettled, just a few clothes moved between an open suitcase on the dresser.  You politely pretend not to notice the stack of colorful panties sitting out atop the suitcase.  She instead heads toward the bed, which you now observe has been shifted a little bit away from the wall.  "I wanna swap the bed and the desk so I can study by the window, but my roommate's out and it's too heavy for me to get very far alone."  As you move to get a good position by the headboard she abruptly turns back.  "Oh I'm Yuri by the way, nice to meet another neighbor."

"Y/n.  Are you new here too?"

"I'm a sophomore actually, so not quite new but hardly advanced either."  She moves to the opposite end of the bed and waits for you to get a grip before pushing strongly.  Between the two of you it's not too difficult to move; the bigger challenge is maneuvering the desk out of the way in a relatively small room.  But you eventually manage to get the furniture swapped where she wants it, keeping up polite small talk in the meantime about your respective majors, where you're from, etc.  Taking a step back, you admire your handiwork.  She stands beside you, nodding in satisfaction.  "Thanks so much again; I definitely owe you one."  Then she plops down onto her bed, laying out across the mattress comfortably before surveying the room again.  "Oh yes this is definitely a better spot for my taste."  As she lays there, you instinctively take the chance to get a better look at her.  You'd already noticed the way her blonde hair really complements her pretty face, but now you realize that she's not just cute, her simple summer attire showing off plenty of a surprisingly perfect body.  She's altogether extremely attractive, and you can't help but push your luck a little bit.  "Seems nice," you observe, "you do look pretty comfy there."

She turns her eyes your way with a playful grin before sliding to one side of the bed.  "Well you helped set this up, I'd say you're welcome to try it out if you like."  Not one to say no to that invitation, you settle down beside her, trying not to get too impolitely excited by the way the cheap dorm mattress sinks in and slides the two of you closer together.  After just a second, though, before you can work up the courage to decide whether to try something further, she gets up, leaving you alone on her bed as she turns away.  For a moment you feel disappointed, though respectfully understanding, but then you hear the distinctive sound of the door being locked.  Nervous with anticipation, you wait another few seconds before she returns, lying down again much closer beside you.  "It's even better this way I think," she says quietly, her body shifting right up against yours.  Tentatively you reach a hand over your body to gently rest on her bare shoulder.  She leans her head into your touch, and then as you turn to admire her fully she shifts again and presses her soft lips onto yours.  For a long, sweet moment she kisses you, and then she pulls back, a grin on her face.  "Can I make a small confession?" she whispers.

"Of course"

"My roommate asked before she left if I wanted to move any furniture.  But I said no."

"Are you saying you change your mind easily?"

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