Arrival 4 (M) - Tzuyu (Twice)

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Saturday, Move-In Weekend

Waking up somewhat early the next day, you decide to take advantage of the cooler morning hours and get out to explore more of your new home. Grabbing a hearty breakfast at the dining hall, you snatch a few snacks for the road too, making sure to fill up a water bottle as well. Opting to set out alone this time, you consult the paper map of campus given to you at orientation, setting a winding route that takes you up and down all across campus, seeing everything from scenic lawns and 150-year-old academic buildings to sleek glass-faced research facilities and ambitious sports stadiums. The sun is growing increasingly warm as you find yourself at the far end of campus finally, well more than an hour later. Not wanting to go home yet, you decide to extend your journey, wandering off the northwest end of campus through a neighborhood of old houses. Somewhere not too far in the direction is a park that's supposed to be a popular spot for outdoor hangouts. Double-checking your phone for directions once or twice, you find it about half a mile off campus, a pleasant open green space with a cluster of picnic tables and grills at one end. A pavilion covers the tables, which offers a welcome spot of shade as you take a seat and pull out one of the snacks from your backpack. As you're seated, a text message hits your phone. "Hey y/n, you've been added to my intramural team. Available for practice Mondays at 6pm?" If you recall correctly, the games themselves are scheduled for Tuesday evenings, so it seems you've been added to a sufficiently dedicated team that wants to hold individual practices as well. But you are free, so you reply in the affirmative. A second message follows shortly. "Awesome; meet at the rec fields behind the intramural building."

Putting away your phone, you turn your attention to enjoying the summer morning. Like campus itself, the park is largely quiet at this hour, even though it's after 10. A cyclist passes through on the trail down one side, but otherwise there's just one other person in sight, lounging on a picnic blanket out in the grass. As you nibble on your snack, your eyes are drawn back to take a closer look at the park's other inhabitant. An attractive woman, she looks likely to be a fellow student. She's dressed for the sun, wearing a blue top with short sleeves that leaves most of her stomach exposed. A tight-fitting set of black shorts is only barely long enough to cover her wide hips, and long brown hair spreads over her shoulders. As you peek at her she rolls over, resting on her stomach and putting the curve of her shapely ass on full display as she tans in the sun. Furtively you turn away, worried she might have spotted you while turning. You can't help but peek back a few times more though while you nibble on your food, thoughts of nature largely forgotten. After a few minutes she turns over again, further flattering her strikingly sculpted profile. Despite finishing your snack, you wait for a little longer, oddly reluctant to leave.

A few minutes more, though, and you realize the absurdity of just sitting here in this park solely because there's an attractive woman in view. If you're not here to enjoy nature, you realize, then you'd better either move on or be bold enough to try something. Normally you'd probably just go, but after yesterday's luck you're feeling a bit emboldened, and so the courage strikes you to get up and walk towards her. As your footsteps approach through the grass she turns onto her side and props up an elbow to contemplate you. Her brown hair glimmers in the same light that shines down her breathtaking body. For a second you almost lose your way, but as she eyes you expectantly you manage to complete your approach with a mundane comment of "beautiful day for some sun, isn't it?"

She fixes you with a look of consideration for a second, seemingly unhurried by your presence. "Not the most inspired pickup line I've heard," she says, "but at least you actually found the courage to say hello instead of just staring at me over there." For a second you freeze, caught off guard by how easily she reads you, but then she smiles. "I don't really mind as long as you actually talk to me like I'm a person and not a pretty sandwich."

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