First Day 2 (M) - Zoa (Weeekly)

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As you leave the hub there's still another two hours until you're supposed to meet Zoa at the library, so wander back toward your dorm and find various ways to pass the time. Eventually you decide to leave early and swing north, passing by the rec fields just to make sure you can find them to meet your intramural team this evening. Turning back towards the heart of campus, you wander curiously down a new, meandering route through the academic center before ultimately reaching the library. Arriving early, you find shade leaning against the trunk of a tree outside the library doors. Campus is relatively quiet this mid-afternoon, the library not too busy today with classes only just begun. Before long, you see Zoa skateboarding down the sidewalk, quickly crossing the distance before hopping off near you and kicking the board up into her hands. "Seems like you're pretty good with that skateboard" you can't help but comment.

"Another old talent that's proving pretty handy this semester," she says, just a hint of shyness momentarily visible for the first time. Politely holding the outer door for her as you enter the library, you make your way through the lobby towards one of the main wings. You're scanning out across the many tables to choose the best spot by the windows, but she grabs your arm and turns towards the opposite side of the room. "I went ahead and reserved one of the study rooms," she informs you. "We have it until 5 but hopefully this assignment won't take up all of that time." The study rooms are well-separated from the main common area, set on the other side of the dusty and rarely-used reference shelves. There's little to recommend the interior either, nothing more than a gray windowless box room with a table in the center and a whiteboard on one wall. "Never used study rooms much myself," you comment as you set down your bag. "They're very quiet, but can feel very isolated especially if you're working alone."

Still cooling off from the outdoors, you reach for a drink from your water bottle as she replies. "Well sometimes privacy is pretty nice. Especially when it means you can work more intimately with someone else." Her choice of wording catches you off guard as you narrowly avoid choking on your water, but if she notices your reaction she gives no indication, instead setting her own bag down and studiously focusing on sorting out her textbook and notes. Recovering your breath, you take a seat and turn your attention to the assignment at hand. "So for question 1..."

While you're a hard worker who generally does pretty well at your classes, it's clear that Zoa is a true natural at this subject, and with her taking the lead you breeze through the assignment at a rapid pace. You're able to keep up enough to avoid embarassment, though it's clear she probably didn't need your help. Still, it's always nice to have company as you grind out question after question. The work flies by, and before using much more than half of the two hours she reserved you arrive at the last question. Here she is actually confused, and while you'd never take pride in someone else's struggles, you feel a sense of genuine contribution at last as you realize this is a problem you actually remember from your spring classes. With restored confidence you stand up and begin to explain it step by step for her on the board, hearing her voice close over your shoulder asking several questions throughout. Finally you reach the end, and she seems to be satisfied as you set down the marker and turn to face her. With a start you find her standing extremely close behind you, leaned back slightly against the table, arms folded as her face hovers barely a foot away from your own. Your eyes meet and again you feel lost again, sinking in the sight of those brown eyes and perfect facial features. She's so close now, far too close to be unaware of how vulnerable this positioning feels, and yet she shows no sign of discomfort. Instead she uncrosses her arms and stands up fully, bringing her even closer to you, her breath now tangibly teasing across your own face. Surely you should say something, or move, but you can't bear the thought of pulling yourself away from her, and no words find their way to your tongue. Her shoulders start to move, but your eyes are trapped by her face, and you don't even realize her arms have wrapped around you until her hands reach the back of your head and pull you across the last few inches into an unexpected kiss.

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