Arrival 3 - Roommates

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Friday, Move-In Weekend

An increasing crowd of newly-arrived students bustles across the lawn as you and your new roommates exit the dorm. "Cafeteria's right in this building next door" Hwanwoong indicates. "One of them anyway. There's a few more elsewhere on campus. This building also has the mailroom for all the dorms on this courtyard, including ours."

As you continue down the sidewalk, you recall that you haven't yet been introduced to your final roommate. Dropping back a step, you fall in beside him, and he glances at you. "Ay-yo I guess you're my other roommate for the year," he says. "Nice to meet you, I'm Mark Lee." His tone is polite and friendly but also a little odd somehow.

"Y/n," you reply, "looking forward to it."

"I'm looking forward to checking out this food!" Mark says, nodding his head in a pattern only he understands. "Hear they've got all kinds of tasty stuff at this place."

As you approach your destination Hwanwoong stops, turning around with a looking of concerned realization on his face. "Ah wait, you guys probably haven't all got your student IDs yet, have you? Don't think you can get in without them, all your meal plans and such are tracked that way."

You realize immediately that he's right. "Oh yeah," you say, "I was just about to head that way when I got your text."

"Yeah me either," adds Mark, "I just got here."

"Grabbed mine already, but looks like we'll be hitting up someplace downtown instead" Han comments.

"I think there's a Panera down there," says Mark, "they got some real nice soup if y'all are into that."

A handful of shrugs echo around the group. "Works for me," Hwanwoong comments, and no one disagrees. Change of plans confirmed, your quartet turns about and heads towards the central campus. At the first crossing of sidewalks you start to turn as if to head for the main road, but Hwanwoong indicates to continue straight. "This sidewalk's the quickest route to the main lawn," he says, "not too crowded usually and it cuts through the dorms and around the hub without too many twists." Following his guidance, your newly-united group strolls pleasantly along, trading a handful of small talk and taking in the sights, Hwanwoong occasionally pointing out a scenic landmark or a helpful spot to remember. Soon you pass the student center and cross another row of academic buildings to reach the main lawn. The iconic old tower of the campus' first building looks down as you turn left and follow the large walkway towards the far end and the edge of campus. Here you find a busy street which neatly divides the grassy lawn and larger scattered buildings of campus on one side from the densely-packed shops, restaurants, and apartment towers of the town on the other. Much like on campus proper, crowds of students bustle back and forth down the street, thousands of people living thousands of lives in unison. Just a block away from campus you indeed find the Panera which Mark had promised, not too busy yet despite this week's influx of students. Before long the four of you are seated around a table with an assortment of sandwiches and soups. "Alright not to make this sound like some kind of formal icebreaker or anything but I wouldn't mind getting to know a little bit about you all." Hwanwoong says after a bite of sandwich. "I'll start; like I told some of you I'm a student-athlete, been playing soccer most of my life. Also a sophomore, so I know my way around at least a little. My major's exercise science; I'm really interested in learning how to maximize athletic potential for myself and others."

"Nice man, sounds like you're super focused, I respect it," says Mark, momentarily setting down his spoon. "I'm a freshman, honestly no idea what I'm gonna study, just here for the vibes. Hope we can get up to some fun together." Satisfied, he returns to his soup.

"Yo swag man let's get lit together sometime," Han comments. "I am stoked to get balling here; I do some rap in my spare time and there's a whole rap club here that I'm especially hyped to join. I can DJ too, so you best believe the party scene here ain't ready for me." He flexes another peace sign before continuing. "Anyway when I'm not vibing to music I'm actually here for a five-year combined bachelor's/master's in aerospace engineering, with a minor in astrophysics."

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