Post-Weirdmaggedon part 2

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Their parents sometimes hear them speaking in the bathroom when there's only one of them in there. When asked they shrug with a smile and say they're just talking to their reflection. The parents never question why the other voice sounds nothing like their children's.

Mabel is often found sending messages in bottles at the local river no matter what season. When asked she says she's sending them to a pen-pal.  Every so often she's seen with new shell necklaces or reading letters written in Spanish. She never took Spanish.

Mabel starts leaving handmade jewelry around their school, their neighborhood, the local grocery store. People who know her are afraid to touch them but strangers pick up these little wire and yarn doodads and find themselves having some very good luck.

There's a rumor that the kid who always falls asleep in class can't sleep at night because a ghost is haunting him. One night they find out that Dipper got in trouble for breaking into his house in the dead of night. That kid stops falling asleep in class.

On all their homework and tests, they leave behind red ink eyes crossed out with an X. One of Mabel's classmates asked her why and she looked up front at their Trigonometry teacher and said, just in case.

Dipper listens to a death metal band called Robbie V and the Tombstones. No one can find their songs anywhere, but if you ask he's happy to lend you his CDs.

Mabel remembers everything about everyone. She's the only one who remembers the birthdays of the kids with no friends and she shares happy memories when her peers are upset about a grade or family stuff. She writes down little details in a pink glittery notebook so that no one will ever forget.

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