05 leaked

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As the garden party continued in full swing, I decided to wander off to explore the venue some more. The lush gardens were beautifully illuminated, creating an almost magical atmosphere. I found a secluded corner near a fountain and took a deep breath, enjoying the moment of solitude. Just then, my phone buzzed. It was a call from Olivia.
"Hey, Oli! How's everything in Munich?" I answered cheerfully.
"Soph, you need to check your WhatsApp right now," she said, her voice sounding urgent and stressed.
"Why? What's going on?" I asked, my heart rate quickening.
"I was scrolling through Instagram and found something you probably won't like. I sent you a link. Open it."
Confused and a bit anxious, I quickly opened WhatsApp and saw the link Olivia had sent. It was to an Instagram page called @FCGossip. I clicked on it, my stomach twisting in knots.
The first image was a picture of Gavi at a restaurant. My eyes scanned the image quickly, trying to make sense of it. Then I saw it—the back of my head. It was us at brunch the other day. Someone had taken a picture without us noticing. My heart dropped as I swiped to the next slide which offered a better view.

 My heart dropped as I swiped to the next slide which offered a better view

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"Oh my God, Olivia. This is us," I whispered, my voice trembling.
"I know," she said. "Keep looking."
The third slide was a picture of us laughing and walking down the streets of Barcelona, completely unaware of the paparazzi snapping photos. My mind raced as I realized how easily our private moments had been invaded.

"Who took these pictures? How did they find us?" I asked, my voice rising in panic.
"Soph, it's also the last slide that you need to see," Olivia said, her tone serious.
I swiped to the last slide and my blood ran cold. It was a screenshot of my Instagram profile, with Gavi following me. The caption read: "New Barca Trainer's Daughter Spotted with Young Star Gavi! Is Romance Brewing? 👀 #Gavi #HansiFlick #FCBarcelona #NewCoupleAlert." Within minutes of this post, my account had exploded, and I had thousands of new follower requests.

"This is bad, Olivia. Really bad," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
"I know. But don't open the comments, Sophia. It's just going to make you feel worse," she advised.
"What about my father? He just started as the new trainer. What if this affects his reputation?" I asked, my voice breaking.
"Your dad knows you're a responsible adult. He'll understand. Just talk to him before he sees it himself," Olivia suggested.
"I need to find him," I said, starting to walk back towards the party. "Thank you, Olivia. I'll call you later."
As I hung up, my mind raced with thoughts of how to handle this situation. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I approached the crowd again. Just then, I spotted my father talking to some guests. Taking a deep breath, I made my way over to him.

"Dad, can we talk for a moment?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.
"Of course, Sophia. Excuse me, gentlemen," he said, stepping aside with me. "What's wrong?"
"I... I need to show you something," I said, pulling out my phone and showing him the Instagram post.
His face darkened as he read the caption and saw the pictures. "This is... unfortunate," he said slowly. "But it's not the end of the world."
"I'm worried about how this will affect you, Dad. You just started, and now this..." I trailed off, feeling tears prickling at my eyes.
He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Sophia, the media will always find something to talk about. What's important is how we handle it. We'll address this calmly. Just make sure to stay professional and avoid any further unnecessary attention."
"I understand," I nodded, feeling slightly reassured by his calm demeanor.

Veiled Hearts | Pablo Gavi Where stories live. Discover now