03 bump-ins

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Monday morning, I woke up around 8:30, the sunlight streaming through my curtains. I stretched lazily. Today I would head to the city for a doctor's appointment at the dermatologist. As I made my way downstairs, the aroma of fresh coffee and toast greeted me.
In the kitchen, Theo was already finishing his breakfast, his face flushed from his morning run with our father. My dad, Hansi, was flipping through a stack of papers, probably going through team affairs. While he adored both of us, it was clear he was harder on Theo. Sometimes, I felt horrible seeing the pressure my brother was under, knowing our father saw so much of himself in him.
"Morning, everyone," I said, taking a seat at the table. "How was the run?"
"Good," Theo replied between bites of toast. "Dad's really pushing me, though."
I glanced at my father, who gave a small, approving nod. "You're doing great, Theo. Keep it up."
After a quick breakfast and some light conversation, I headed back upstairs to get ready. I chose a simple yet chic outfit for my appointment—a white blouse, high-waisted jeans, and a pair of comfortable Chanel flats. After checking my reflection, I grabbed my bag and headed to the garage.

After the appointment, I decided to treat myself to a matcha latte at a nearby café. As I walked out with my drink, I heard someone calling out my name.
"Sophia? Is that you?" a familiar voice exclaimed.
I looked up to see Kika Gomes, a model and girlfriend of Pierre Gasly, whom I had met while living in Portugal. We laughed at the coincidence and hugged.
"This is crazy! What are you doing here?" Kika asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
"I moved here for the summer with my family, my dads the new Braça trainer." I explained. "I just had a doctor's appointment. What about you?"
"I have a shoot here this week," she replied. "Since we both have the day off, why don't we hang out?"
Kika and I found a cozy corner at a small café after a morning of shopping. We sipped our drinks, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere.
"So, how's life been treating you, Kika?" I asked, genuinely curious about my old friend's adventures.
"It's been a whirlwind," she admitted, her eyes lighting up. "Modeling gigs, traveling with Pierre, and just trying to balance everything. But it's fun, you know? I wouldn't trade it for anything."
I nodded, feeling a bit envious of her seemingly effortless balance. "I'm still figuring things out. Moving to Barcelona has been a big change, and I'm just trying to find my footing."
Kika reached out and squeezed my hand. "You'll do great, Sophia. You've always been strong and smart. Just take it one step at a time."
We continued talking about our lives, laughing over shared memories and future plans. It felt good to reconnect, and for a moment, all the uncertainty seemed to fade away. We spent the day exploring Barcelona, visiting charming boutiques and enjoying delicious tapas at a local restaurant. Kika's company was a breath of fresh air, and we reminisced about our time in Portugal. By late afternoon, she had to leave for an early shoot the next morning.
As I drove back home, my mother called. "Sophia, can you pick up Theo from his training at the FC Barcelona stadium? I need to go grocery shopping."
"Sure, Mom. I'm on my way."

When I arrived at the training grounds, Theo was finishing his session. He waved and ran off to the locker rooms to change and shower. I made my way to the main training field where my father was conducting a rigorous practice session. As I approached, he called for a break.
Gavi and Pedri, who were among the players, waved at me. My father greeted me warmly and introduced me to the team. "Everyone, this is my daughter, Sophia."
The players nodded and smiled, some more enthusiastically than others. Dad then addressed the team about the upcoming event on Wednesday. "It's a garden party at Jardins de Joan Brossa. Please wear summery yet adequate clothing."
Theo soon joined us, and Dad declared the training done for the day. He asked Theo to come with him to discuss his new training plan, leaving me on the stands. As I waited, Robert Lewandowski, who had known me since birth, came over to chat.
"Sophia, it's been ages! How are you liking Barcelona?" he asked with a friendly grin.
"It's wonderful, Robert. A lot to adjust to, but I'm enjoying it."
After a pleasant conversation, the players retreated to the locker rooms.

In the Locker Room
The locker room was buzzing with the usual post-training chatter. Some guys were discussing the upcoming garden party while others joked around. I was lacing up my shoes when I heard Joao Felix's voice rise above the rest.
"Did you see the coach's daughter today? Sophia? She's stunning," Joao said, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Yeah, she's hot," Raphinha chimed in, and Ferran Torres nodded in agreement. They all laughed, the conversation turning a bit too casual for my liking.
I felt a pang of irritation. Sure, Slata was beautiful, but the way they were talking about her made me uncomfortable. Joao, despite being a great player and friend, was going through a rough patch after a bad breakup. His comments were often more superficial than usual these days.
"Can we not talk about her like that?" I interjected, my voice firmer than I intended.
Joao raised an eyebrow. "Oh, come on, Gavi. Just making an observation."
"She's more than just looks," I muttered, grabbing my towel and heading to the showers.
"Relax, man. We're just joking," Alejandro Balde called after me, but I ignored him, feeling the need to cool off.
As I rinsed off, I couldn't shake the annoyance.

"Hey, Sophia. Got a minute?" he asked.
"Of course. What's up?"
He scratched the back of his head, looking a bit sheepish. "I'm kind of overwhelmed about what to wear to this garden party. I've only ever worn black suits to club events."
I chuckled. "I can help with that. How about we go shopping tomorrow?"
His face lit up. "That would be great! Thanks, Sophia."
Just then, my father and Theo joined us. We said our goodbyes, and Gavi gave a small wave as he left. On the way home, Theo couldn't stop talking about how nice Gavi and Pedri were.
"Dad, you should invite them over sometime," Theo suggested.
My father nodded, but I could tell he saw the relationship as mostly professional. In the evening, I received a message from Gavi on Instagram.
Gavi: Hey, I forgot to get your number today. How about 10 a.m. tomorrow for shopping? I'll pick you up!
I replied with a smile and sent him my number.
Sophia: Sure thing. See you then!

authors note: More is going to be published tomorrow:)

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