022 - movie nights

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"Hold up!" I called after Gavi, hurrying to catch up as he slowed his pace in the corridor. He turned to face me, his expression softening as I reached him. "Sorry about that outburst," he said, his voice a mix of frustration and apology. "They've just been doing too much—it's been going on since this morning."

I met his gaze, sensing the tension he was carrying. "Don't worry about it," I said softly, trying to ease his mind.

"You really don't have to wear my jersey," he added, referring to Dani's teasing comment from earlier, though his eyes flickered with uncertainty.

"I'd love to, actually." The words tumbled out of me before I could overthink them, surprising even myself. But as soon as I saw the way his face lit up, the way his eyes sparkled with unexpected joy, any hint of regret melted away.

"You would?" he asked, almost a hint of disbelief in his voice.

I nodded, a smile spreading across my face. Feeling another unexpected wave of confidence, I reached out and took his hand in mine. The warmth of his skin sent an electric shock through me, but I didn't pull away. Instead, I squeezed his hand gently and smiled again, feeling more certain.

"So, what do you want to do with the rest of your lunch break?" I asked, my voice light.

"Hang out with you," he said with a small, almost shy smile, his fingers tightening slightly around mine.

"What a great answer," I giggled, feeling a flutter of excitement in my chest.

"My specialty," he replied, shrugging playfully before tugging me along behind him as we walked through the hallways. After a few twists and turns, he opened the door to a small room filled with couches and tables.

"This is usually where the women's team hangs out, but since they're not here today, we can use it," he said, gesturing to one of the couches. I sat down, and he joined me, sitting close but not too close, a comfortable distance between us.

"How are you feeling about coming back tomorrow?" I asked, genuinely curious. He had been out for months, and I could only imagine the mix of emotions he must be feeling.

He exhaled, running a hand through his hair. "Happy... but really nervous. I'm scared I won't live up to the fans' expectations. I know my ACL is fine, but I can't shake the fear of getting injured again."

I nodded, understanding the weight of what he was saying. "I get that, but trust me, you'll be amazing. I've seen you play, Gavi, and you have nothing to prove. Besides, my dad would never let you back on the pitch if he didn't think you were 100% ready. He wants the best for the team, and that means making sure you're fully prepared. He wouldn't risk you getting hurt again."

He looked at me, his eyes softening with gratitude. "You're right. Thanks. It's good to hear that."

We spent the next twenty minutes talking, the conversation flowing easily between us, until it was time for him to head back to the team meeting. Just before we returned to the group, Gavi stopped and turned to face me.

"After training, would you want to come to my house? We could watch a movie or something? Wind down before tomorrow," he asked, his tone hopeful.

I smiled. "Yeah, of course. That sounds great."

Training wrapped up with a team stretch, followed by a strategy session. While they talked, I waited in my car for about half an hour until players started trickling out. Lamine and Fermín waved goodbye and chatted briefly before heading out, and a few minutes later, Gavi appeared at my car window.

"Just follow my car?" he asked, leaning down slightly as I nodded in agreement.

I rolled my window back up, watching as he got into his car. I started the engine and followed him off the training grounds. There were a few fans outside the gates, eagerly waiting for autographs or photos, but Gavi didn't stop this time. We drove for a few minutes, passing familiar streets near my family's home before taking a turn down a quieter road. The houses became more spread out and private, and soon we arrived at a gated community. Gavi pulled through the entrance, and I followed until we reached his driveway.

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