02 new beginnings

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Weeks had passed since my arrival in Barcelona, and life in our new home was starting to feel familiar. My mother and brother had joined us just a few days ago. My summer holidays had begun earlier than Theos's, so I had arrived ahead of them with my father. Now, with August's arrival, our family was finally complete.
My mother was delighted to be in Barcelona. She had always been the adventurous type, and the city offered endless opportunities for exploration and new experiences. Theo, my 13-year-old brother, was equally thrilled. His passion for soccer was only rivaled by his love for surfing, and Barcelona seemed like the perfect place for him to indulge in both.
This morning, my mother and I had an early Pilates session in a cozy studio we had discovered earlier this week. It was tucked away in a quiet corner of Pedralbes, and the instructor was a friendly local woman who made us feel right at home. As we rolled up our mats and prepared to leave, a tall, elegant woman approached us.
"Excuse me," she said in accented English, her eyes fixed on me. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but have you ever considered modeling?"
I blinked, taken aback. "Modeling? No, not really."
She handed me a business card. "My name is Carmen Garcia, and I'm a scout for one of the top modeling agencies in Spain. You have a unique look, and I think you'd do very well. If you're interested, please give us a call."
I thanked her and pocketed the card, feeling both flattered and bewildered. As we walked back to the villa, my mother couldn't hide her excitement. "Imagine, Sophia! Modeling in Barcelona! It could be an incredible opportunity."
I shrugged, not sure what to make of it. "Maybe. But right now, I just want to focus on enjoying my summer and spending time with you guys."
After a quick shower and change of clothes, I grabbed the keys to my car and headed out to pick up Theo from the FC Barcelona training grounds. My father's latest project was to make Theo the greatest player of all time, and he had arranged for him to train with a private coach during the off-season. It was intense, but Theo loved every minute of it.
As I arrived at the training facility, I could see the fields bustling with activity. Theo was on the pitch, practicing drills with his coach. His face lit up when he saw me, and he ran over, wiping sweat from his forehead.
"Hey, Soph!" he called out. "Watch this!"
I smiled and waved as he demonstrated a series of intricate footwork moves, his skill evident even at his young age. As he finished, two older players walked over to join him. I recognized them immediately—Gavi and Pedri, two of FC Barcelona's brightest stars.
"Hey, Theo, looking good out there," Pedri said, ruffling my brother's hair.
"Thanks, Pedri! Can you show me that trick you did in the last game?" Theo asked eagerly.
"Sure thing," Gavi replied, grinning. "But first, who's this?" He nodded towards me.
"Oh, that's my sister, Sophia," Theo said proudly. "Soph, this is Gavi and Pedri. They're awesome!"
I felt a blush rise to my cheeks as Gavi and Pedri turned their attention to me. "Nice to meet you," I said, trying to sound casual.
"Likewise," Gavi replied, his smile warm and genuine. "Theo's been telling us all about you. You're here just for the summer, right?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "I'm heading to Munich in the fall for university, but I'm making the most of my time here."
Pedri chuckled. "Well, you've got quite the little brother. He's got some serious talent."
"Thanks," I said, feeling a surge of pride. "He works really hard."
For the next half hour, I watched as Gavi and Pedri demonstrated various techniques and tricks to Theo, their camaraderie evident. They were patient and encouraging, making the whole experience fun for my brother. Seeing the joy on his face made me feel grateful for this time we had together.
As the session wrapped up, Gavi jogged over to me. "You should join us sometime, Sophia. It's not all serious business. We have a lot of fun out here too."
I laughed. "I'll think about it. But for now, I'm happy being Theo's biggest fan."
Gavi grinned. "Fair enough. See you around then."
As we drove back home, Theo couldn't stop talking about his training session. His excitement was infectious, and I found myself looking forward to the days ahead. Barcelona was turning out to be more than just a temporary stop on my way to Munich—it was a place where new opportunities and friendships were blossoming. And as the city continued to weave its charm around me, I realized that this summer might just be one of the best yet.

Sunday dawned bright and clear, the perfect day for a family hike. We set off early in the morning, driving out to the Collserola Natural Park on the outskirts of Barcelona. The fresh air and stunning views were a welcome escape from the city, and as we made our way along the winding trails, my father began to share some news.
"There's an event on Wednesday evening," he said, his tone casual but excited. "It's a social gathering with some of Barcelona's businessmen and investors, all connected to the soccer club. It's a rather formal affair, so we'll need to dress accordingly."
My mother raised an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "Formal, you say? Sounds intriguing."
I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "Another chance to meet new people," I remarked, though the prospect of a formal event made me a bit nervous.
"Don't worry, Sophia," my father said, catching my eye. "You'll do just fine. And speaking of new opportunities, have you given any more thought to that modeling scout's offer?"
I nodded. "Actually, yes. I am truly flattered, but my degree is more important to me. As for now, I can only focus on one thing and I believe it should be Uni. Maybe some time later in life."
My father smiled approvingly. "Good, that's my girl. Just remember, while it's important to explore new opportunities, don't neglect your studies."
As we continued our hike, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, and by the time we returned home, we were all in high spirits. The rest of the day passed leisurely. Theo and I spent the afternoon lounging by the pool, splashing around and enjoying the warm weather. My brother's laughter echoed through the garden, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for these moments together.

Despite being Hansi Flick's daughter, I had always preferred to keep a low profile on social media. My Instagram account was private, and I only shared posts with close friends and family. After our day in the pool, I showered and went through my evening routine: a thorough skincare regimen, haircare, and a light stretch to unwind.
As I settled into bed, I picked up my phone to check my notifications. Half an hour earlier, a request had come through on Instagram. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the name: Pablo Gavi.
Curious and a bit excited, I opened his profile to make sure it was really him. The blue verification check confirmed it. His request was a pleasant surprise, and I wondered what had prompted him to reach out.
I took a deep breath, my fingers hovering over the "Accept" button. After a moment's hesitation, I tapped it. Almost immediately, a message notification popped up.
Gavi: Hey, Sophia! Hope you had a good day. It was great meeting you and Theo yesterday.
I smiled, feeling a flutter of excitement. Typing back, I kept my response casual.
Sophia: Hi, Gavi! It was great meeting you too. We had a fantastic day, thanks. How about you?
As I waited for his reply, I couldn't help but think about how much had changed in such a short time. Barcelona was turning out to be more than just a summer destination; it was becoming a place filled with new opportunities, friendships, and unexpected connections.
Gavi's response came quickly.
Gavi: It was good! We had some light training today, but mostly just relaxing. Looking forward to seeing you around more often. Maybe you can join us for a game sometime?
I chuckled, the invitation both exciting and a bit daunting.
Sophia: That sounds fun! I'll think about it. Thanks for the invite.
Gavi: Anytime. Have a good night, Sophia.
Sophia: You too, Gavi. Good night.

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