Part 11: First Date, Or So I Thought

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Tim calls Lucy

Lucy: "Hello?"

Tim: "Be ready by 5:45pm and I'll come pick you up for our first date"

Lucy: "Tim! Can't wait I'll be ready"

Tim: "You better be"

After a few hours Tim goes to Lucy's to pick her up for their first date. He's wearing a black suit with a red tie with the blazer unbuttoned with the top 3 on his shirt under neath also unbuttoned. He walks up to her apartment door and softly knocks, Lucy rushes to the door putting her red heels on and opens the door, She's wearing a black strapless dress that hug all her curves in the right way, with a slit coming up to mid thigh with a red wine lip color.

Tim: "You look stunning"
Lucy: "Thank you, your looking quite handsome"
Tim: "We're matching"
Lucy: "Oh yeah, Great minds thing alike"
Tim: "They sure do. Shall we leave?"
Lucy: "We shall"

Tim walks Lucy down to his car opening the doors for her and helping her in. He turns the radio on just to cover the comfortable silence that falls over them, Lucy starts humming to the song and start "dancing" in her seat, Tim looks over at her and giggles to him self,

Lucy: "What?"
Tim: "Nothing"
Lucy: "What" she says while giggling"
Tim: "You just look really cute doing that"
Lucy: "Well, Thank you"
Tim: "Your welcome"
Lucy: "So, where are we going?"
Tim: "It's a surprise. But I think you'll like it"
Lucy: "Okay"

they continue driving and "dancing" before they pull into the restaurant Tim helps her out the car and opens the restaurant for her,

Tim: "Reservation for Tim?"
Waiter: "Tim Braford?"
Tim: "Yes that me"
Waiter: "Can I see some ID so if you order from the bar you are more then welcome to and just to make sure you are Timothy Bradford"

Tim hands over his Id rolling his eyes at the name Timothy, He hated when his dad used to call him that because it always meant he was getting a beating,

Waiter: "And yours ma'am"

Lucy hands over her Id, He looks at the name very closely

Waiter: "Do I know you?"
Lucy: "I don't think so"
Waiter: "You aren't Lucy Chen. Your Ava nelson"

Lucy's face went blank like she had seen a gosht, Tim stood in the back confused as fuck.

Waiter: "Wait I know you, Your that bitch who walked out on me 5 years ago"

Lucy: "Oliver?"

Oliver: "You bitch, you left me and Olivia to fight for ourselves, After all these year and now you show up to my work with another man?"

Lucy: "H-H-how is Olivia?"

Oliver: "She's fine, She's turning 6 next month"

Lucy: "I think I can remember my child's birthday thank you"

Tim: "Ok what on earth is going on here, who are you and who's Olivia?"
Lucy: "Have a good night Oliver, Give Olivia my love"

Oliver: "No, she doesn't know who you are"

Lucy: "I am her mother!"

Oliver: "You left us, you aren't a mother to her"

Lucy: "I had to leave! You still don't get it do you, Jacob would've killed me if I didn't go with him!"

Oliver: "And you still ended up in the hospital half beaten to death didn't you"

Lucy: "I wouldn't be here if I stayed, I did what was best for everyone!"

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