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A few months had passed, and Priya had settled into the rhythm of her daily routine. Each day was a mirror of the one before, filled with tasks and responsibilities that left little room for her own desires and dreams. She had stopped thinking about herself, dedicating every moment to her family. It was the only way she knew to keep them from falling apart.

This morning, Priya decided to work from home. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, her laptop open on her lap, when Ved walked in, buttoning up his shirt. He looked at her with a soft smile and leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"I'll see you later," he said, his voice gentle.

Priya nodded, managing a small smile. "Have a good day."

As he left, she stared at the screen, her fingers hovering over the keyboard. The routine tasks awaited her, but her mind drifted, as it often did, to memories of Ram. She had tried so hard to bury those moments, to forget the passion and intensity they had shared. But no matter how much she pushed them down, they remained, haunting her heart and mind.

Every time she heard something about Ram in the news, a wave of anxiety washed over her. She wondered where he was, what he was doing, and if he still thought of her. A month ago, when she heard that Ram was leaving the country, her heart had clenched painfully. He had tried to see her before he left, calling her repeatedly. But she couldn't bring herself to respond. She had stood by the window, watching the world outside, her phone buzzing on the table behind her, each call a painful reminder of what she had lost.

Now, as she sat on the bed, she could still feel the weight of those unspoken words, the missed opportunity to say goodbye. She wondered if she had made the right choice, if denying herself the chance to see him one last time had been an act of strength or cowardice.

With a heavy sigh, she closed her laptop and stood up, walking to the window. The morning sun streamed in, casting a warm glow over the room. She watched the world outside, feeling the familiar ache in her chest.

In her heart, she knew she had made the choice for her family, but it didn't make the longing any easier to bear. She had given up her own happiness for them, but in the quiet moments like this, she couldn't help but wonder what might have been.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Priya continued to live for her family, each moment a testament to her dedication and sacrifice. But in the deepest corners of her heart, the memory of Ram remained, a lingering reminder of a love that could never be.

One night, as Priya lay beside Ved in their dimly lit bedroom, she stared at the ceiling, wide awake despite the late hour. The rhythmic sound of Ved's breathing filled the room, a steady reminder of his presence beside her. She tried to quiet her restless mind, but the thoughts wouldn't stop swirling.

Suddenly, Ved stirred. Without warning, he scooped her into his arms, pulling her close. Priya jolted, her body tense with surprise. Ved's hands began to caress her skin, his touch insistent yet familiar. She felt the weight of his intentions, and a sense of dread settled over her. The intimacy was unbearable, but she knew she couldn't resist. This was her life now, and she had to endure it for the sake of her family.

Tears welled in the corners of her eyes, slipping silently down her cheeks. She bit her lip, trying to suppress the sobs that threatened to escape. Ved's hands paused, and he lifted his head to look at her. In the faint light, he could see the tears glistening on her face.

"Am I hurting you?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Priya looked at him, her eyes filled with a lifeless sorrow that seemed to stretch on forever. She didn't answer, but the emptiness in her gaze spoke volumes. Ved's expression softened with a mixture of frustration and helplessness. He withdrew his hands, turning away from her to lie on his back. His eyes stared blankly at the ceiling, mirroring the void he saw in Priya's eyes.

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