Ep : 25

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A year had passed since Priya and Ram had rekindled their relationship. Life had taken on a new rhythm, filled with moments of joy, growth, and healing. On a sunny afternoon, Priya sat in a quaint café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. Across from her sat her daughter, Varsha, who was staring down at the table, her face shadowed by worry and sadness.

Priya reached across the table, trying to break the heavy silence. "Varsha, is there something bothering you?" she asked gently. "Why did you call me in such a hurry? Is everything fine with you?"

Varsha glanced up, her eyes red and brimming with tears. The pain in her gaze made Priya's heart ache. "I'm sorry, Mom," Varsha began, her voice quivering. "I know I've hurt you all these years. I've never cared for you, never respected you."

Priya's heart ached as she reached out to caress Varsha's cheek, her touch tender and comforting. "No, beta, you don't have to be hurt like this," she said softly. "We all make mistakes."

But Varsha shook her head, her tears spilling over. "No, Mom, I know how much you've suffered just for my well-being," she said, her voice breaking. "And I—" She covered her face with her hands, sobbing quietly.

Priya moved to the chair next to Varsha and wrapped her arms around her, holding her tightly. "Shh, it's okay, sweetheart," she murmured, her own eyes moistening. "We all go through tough times.

Varsha leaned into her mother's embrace, her sobs slowly subsiding as she felt the warmth and unconditional love in Priya's arms. "I was so selfish, Mom," Varsha whispered. "I never understood how much you sacrificed for me."

Priya gently pulled back, looking into her daughter's eyes. "Varsha, every sacrifice I made was out of love for you. And I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

Varsha nodded, wiping her tears. "I want to make things right, Mom. I want to be the daughter you deserve."

Priya smiled, her heart swelling with pride and love. "You already are, Varsha. The fact that you're here, talking to me, means more than you know.

Priya held Varsha's hand as they walked out of the café, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow over them. They found a quiet bench in a nearby park and sat down. Priya turned to her daughter, her eyes filled with concern and love.

"But first, tell me, is there anything wrong?" Priya asked gently. "I mean, why did you call me here so urgently?"

Varsha took a deep breath, her expression a mixture of sadness and resolve. "Dad is getting married again," she said, her voice steady. "With Trisha Aunty."

Priya's heart skipped a beat. She knew about her ex-husband's infidelity, but hearing this news still stirred a complex mix of emotions. She focused on Varsha, who was looking down, gathering her thoughts.

"You know, Mom, I always knew about Dad. He was never faithful," Varsha continued, her voice tinged with bitterness. "But I was scared to oppose him. I lied that day, actually. Grandma told me about your relationship with Ram, and I was so broken-hearted that I misbehaved with you."

Priya listened intently, her heart aching for her daughter. "Varsha, I—"

Varsha shook her head, interrupting. "But trust me, the day you got your divorce from Dad, I actually felt relieved," she said, her voice cracking. "I felt like you could finally be free from all the lies and pain." 

Priya looked at her daughter, seeing her not just as the little girl she had raised but as a young woman who had endured her own struggles and grown from them. She realized that Varsha's understanding and maturity had developed in ways she hadn't fully comprehended.

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