Ch : 23

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As they both finished checking out from the supermarket, Ram noticed Priya struggling slightly with her bags. "Let me hold them for you," he offered, extending his hand.

Priya shook her head, attempting a smile. "No, it's fine. I can manage."

But Ram was insistent, his hand still outstretched, his eyes gentle yet firm. Unable to refuse his earnest gesture, Priya handed over a few of her bags, feeling a strange sense of familiarity in this small act of kindness.

They walked side by side down the local lane, the sun casting long shadows on the pavement. The silence between them was thick, filled with unspoken questions and lingering memories. Both were eager to know about each other's lives, to bridge the gap that had grown between them over the years, but neither could find the right words.

Finally, they reached Priya's apartment building. Priya paused at the entrance, turning to face Ram. "This is me," she said softly, gesturing towards the door.

Ram nodded, a small, wistful smile playing on his lips. He handed back the bags, their fingers brushing briefly, sending a jolt of nostalgia through Priya. "It was really good to see you again, Priya," he said, his voice sincere.

"You too, Ram," she replied, her heart heavy with unspoken words.

For a moment, they stood there, the weight of their history pressing down on them. Priya wanted to invite him in, to continue the conversation they hadn't yet started, but uncertainty held her back. Instead, she offered a small smile,

"Take care," Ram said, stepping back.

"You too," Priya replied, watching as he turned and walked away,Priya felt a surge of determination rise within her. She couldn't let him walk away, not after this unexpected reunion. Gathering her courage, she called out, "Ram, if you have some time to spare, we can have a coffee together at my place."

Ram paused mid-step, his heart pounding. He hadn't expected this, but something in him urged him to take this chance, to spend a little more time with her. He turned to face her, a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. Before he could respond, Priya added, "But if you're busy, then-"

"No," Ram interjected quickly, a warm smile spreading across his face. "I have some time."

Relief washed over Priya, and she smiled back, leading him into her apartment.She set her bags on the kitchen counter and gestured for Ram to take a seat at the small dining table.

"Make yourself comfortable," she said, heading to the kitchen to prepare the coffee. As she moved about, filling the kettle and gathering mugs, she couldn't help but steal glances at Ram. He seemed different, yet the same.

Ram looked around the apartment, taking in the details that spoke volumes about Priya's life. Photos on the walls, a cozy throw draped over the couch, a shelf lined with books-each item told a story, and he found himself eager to know more.

Priya returned with two steaming cups of coffee, setting one in front of Ram before sitting down across from him. They both reached for their cups simultaneously, their fingers brushing briefly against the warm ceramic. The touch sent a jolt through Priya, and she saw a flicker of recognition in Ram's eyes as well.

"So," Priya began, her voice tentative, "how have you been, Ram?"

Ram took a sip of his coffee, savoring the warmth. "I've been... good," he replied, searching for the right words. "Life has been busy, you know. Work, responsibilities, the usual. But it's been fulfilling."

Priya nodded, her curiosity piqued. "That's good to hear. I always knew you'd do well."

A comfortable silence settled between them as they sipped their coffee, each lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Ram broke the silence, his voice softer, more introspective. "I've thought about you, Priya. Over the years. I wondered how you were, what you were doing."

Priya felt her heart skip a beat. "I thought about you too," she admitted. "Sometimes, out of the blue. It was like a part of me never really let go."

They shared a long look, the air thick with unspoken emotions. It felt as if no time had passed, yet everything had changed.

With their coffee cups in hand and a rekindled sense of connection, Priya decided to delve deeper. "So, why are you in Singapore?" she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Ram's expression softened. "I came here last week for a child foundation program I've been working on," he explained. "It's something very close to my heart. I'm doing it in memory of my daughter."

Touched by his story, Priya felt a deeper connection to him, admiring the strength and dedication that had driven him through such a painful loss. She wanted to offer comfort, but Ram shifted the conversation.

"And you, Priya? What brought you to Singapore?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Priya hesitated, searching for the right words. "I got a job here," she said, her voice carefully measured.

Ram raised an eyebrow. "But leaving your family and coming all the way here-how did that happen?"

Priya paused, the question stirring a mix of emotions within her. She hadn't expected to reveal so much about her current life,

"No, it's not permanent," she finally said. "I just came here for a project. I'll be returning soon."

Ram studied her face, sensing there was more to the story but respecting her need for privacy. "I see," he said gently. "It must be quite an experience, working in a new place."

Priya nodded, grateful for his understanding. "It is. It has its challenges, but it's also been rewarding."

As the afternoon sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow around them, Priya felt a sense of peace she hadn't experienced in a long time. She realized that sometimes, the unexpected encounters brought the most meaningful moments.

Ram looked at her with a mixture of admiration and tenderness. "You've always been strong, Priya. I can see that hasn't changed."

Priya smiled, a genuine warmth spreading through her. "And you, Ram. You've turned your pain into something beautiful, something that helps others. That's incredible."

After spending the afternoon catching up with Priya, Ram finally bid her goodbye and stepped out of her apartment. The sun had dipped lower in the sky, casting a golden hue over the bustling streets of Singapore. As he reached the street, he glanced back and saw Priya standing at the window, a soft smile on her face as she waved to him.

He waved back, a smile touching his lips, before turning to continue down the street. Yet, as he walked away, a nagging curiosity tugged at his thoughts. Why had Priya lied about returning soon? He knew about her divorce from Ved, a painful chapter in her life that she had somehow managed to navigate with grace. It puzzled him why she hadn't shared that truth, especially after their honest conversation.

With a heavy sigh, Ram tried to push the thoughts aside. Maybe Priya didn't want to rekindle anything between them, to avoid reopening old wounds. He respected her decision, but it didn't stop the ache of disappointment from settling in his chest.

Back in the apartment, Priya watched Ram disappear into the crowd. Her heart felt heavy with the weight of unspoken truths. She had lied to Ram, telling him she would be returning soon, when in reality, she had made a life for herself in Singapore. It was a deliberate choice, a way to protect herself and perhaps even him.

She didn't want to create any mess in his life, especially now that he seemed to have found a sense of peace and purpose. Seeing him involved in the child foundation program in memory of his daughter had touched her deeply. He was doing well, and the last thing she wanted was to complicate things.

A tiny tear escaped from her eye as she stood there, the emotions of the day catching up with her. She had missed him, more than she had allowed herself to admit, and seeing him again had stirred feelings she thought she had buried long ago.

Priya wiped the tear away, a bittersweet smile forming on her lips. Life had a way of bringing people together and pulling them apart, often without warning. But for now, she found solace in the fact that they had reconnected, even if only for a brief moment.

As the evening descended, Priya turned away from the window, her heart a mix of sorrow and hope. She knew that some connections were meant to be cherished, even if they couldn't be rekindled. And in that quiet acceptance, she found a strange sense of peace, knowing that their paths had crossed again, even if just for a fleeting moment.

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