- Twenty-first -

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To be honest, Jungkook didn't really feel like getting up. He'd spent the night at his parents' house, and it's fair to say that he hadn't slept very well. He really hated being here, he always had this feeling of unease, this feeling of suffocation when he was in this house. So, despite the fact that he'd woken up rather early, he hadn't left his room, even though he was hungry (Taehyung would have been angry if he'd known that Jungkook had starved himself).

It must have been nearly midday when someone knocked on his bedroom door. He was drawing on his desk, the door opening without his permission. The boy frowned at the intrusion, and his mood only worsened when he saw that it was his mother.

"What do you want?" he asked coldly.

The woman ignored her son's insolent tone for the moment, because she was in too good a mood for Jungkook to make her angry. She knew it was too late now, and that she'd better get used to his bad temper, because he didn't seem determined to change.

"My guest has arrived." she explained. "So I'd like you to come down and say hello to him, and to sit down at the table with us."

Jungkook would have loved (really) to refuse, but if he had been obliged to sleep here, it was precisely because of this guest. Besides, he was so hungry that he was prepared to spend some time in the company of his family if he could eat a good meal in exchange.

"Okay, I'll be right there." he replied simply.

Hyeri nodded happily and left the room, quickly followed by Jungkook. The boy was clearly not thrilled to be there, and he wasn't shy about letting it be known.

The two arrived in the dining room, where Jungyung, Jongsu and a young man Jungkook didn't know were already sitting. He looked about his own age, probably a little older. He was rather good-looking, but what surprised Jungkook most was that he didn't look completely Korean. He was certainly of mixed race, probably the son of one of his father's collaborators.

"Jungkook, this is Lim John, the son of Lim Honbyul, who owns a large pharmaceutical company in the United States."

Jungkook nodded, shaking the hand John held out to him, but not returning the young man's rather too cheesy smile. Jungkook then simply sat down at the table and began to eat without saying a word.

"Jungkook, you could at least introduce yourself!" exclaimed his mother, who had also sat down.

Jungkook looked up at her.

"Why should I?"

"Why? Because that's the least you could do! Besides, John's only two years older than you, and he's only just arrived in Korea, so you could be a bit friendlier to him!"

"Oh, don't worry, Ms Jeon, I can understand why Jungkook might be a bit uncomfortable." John interjected with an embarrassed smile. "I'm a rather shy person myself, so I can totally understand him...."

Jungkook looked at the young man curiously, while Hyeri shook her head.

"Ah, you're so kind and well-behaved, John! And I've even heard that you're very good at your studies too!"

"My father's counting on me to take over after him, so I'm working hard not to disappoint him!"

"Ah, how serious!"

Jungkook hurried to finish his plate and turned to his mother.

"Well, now that the introductions have been made, I'll be off. Taehyung's coming to get me."

"W-What, you're leaving already?" exclaimed his mother.

The young man got up and left the table, without even glancing at John, who seemed honestly surprised by his behaviour. As for Hyeri, she hurried after her son, who was already in the hall putting on his shoes.

"Jungkook, do you realise how rude that is?" she snapped. "You can't behave like that in front of a guest!"

The boy stood up, and at the same time felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He grabbed it and saw that he'd just received a message from Taehyung.

"I'm here."

"He's your guest, Mom, not mine." The boy finally replied, putting his mobile away. "You forced me to be here to meet him, but I never said I'd stay after that."


The boy turned and opened the front door, leaving the house. However, his mother immediately followed, continuing to lecture him. Seeing him coming (and especially noticing Hyeri's annoyed expression), Taehyung got out of the car and joined them, hoping to calm the situation down. After all, he handled Hyeri's anger much better than Jungkook.

He'd had a bad night too, both because of Jungkook's absence and because of the encounter he'd had at his parents' house the previous evening. He hadn't even tried to understand, just glared at his mother before leaving the house and slamming the door behind him. But since then he'd been in a terrible mood, so when Jungkook had asked him to come and get him, he hadn't hesitated for a moment. He needed his baby in his arms, and not even Hyeri could stop him. Today he would go back with Jungkook, no matter what she thought.

When Jungkook saw him, he ran towards him, but refrained from taking him in his arms and kissing him languorously (something he badly needed at the moment). But they didn't even have time to savour their reunion because Hyeri joined them immediately.

"Taehyung!" she exclaimed. "You've got to help me with this child, he's becoming completely unmanageable!"

Taehyung gave her a sympathetic smile, even though she was really getting on his nerves at the moment.

"What do you mean? Has something happened?"

"He probably didn't tell you, but we were in the middle of dinner and we even had a guest! Tell him he can't just leave like that!"

The two lovers exchanged knowing glances, Jungkook silently begging Taehyung to help him. And of course, who was Taehyung to refuse?

"Ah, I'm sorry, it's my fault..." He explained. "I wanted to take Jungkook somewhere, so I asked him to get ready because I was coming to get him... Unfortunately, I've already paid for the tickets, so it would be a bit tricky to cancel now."

Hyeri couldn't hide her disappointment, because she knew that it would now be very rude to ask him to cancel so that Jungkook could stay with her. She could only accept this defeat.

"Mrs Jeon, is there a problem?"

They all turned around, their eyes immediately landing on John, who had decided to join them, probably because Hyeri and Jungkook were taking too long to return. Taehyung, for his part, frowned at this new face. He knew all of Hyeri's friends (and their children), but this man wasn't one of them. It was suspicious.

"Oh no, John, don't worry!" replied Hyeri.

The young man then turned to Taehyung and instinctively held out his hand.

"Ah, I haven't introduced myself. I'm John Lim, from PHA."

"Oh, I see... Kim Taehyung."

The two shook hands, but Taehyung stiffened when he heard Hyeri's next words.

"I wanted to announce it under different circumstances, but since you both have to leave... John is Jungkook's fiancé."


I kind of dropped a bomb lol (well, it was not really surprise tho)

Hope you liked this chapter, and see you soon 💕

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