Chapter 5 - What a Year Changes

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Sang's attention was wholly centered on her laptop as she typed away when she suddenly felt the press of lips against her neck. She jumped, blushing as she turned to look up into North's smiling face from where he stood behind her desk chair. "Is it time for you to go already?" she asked, glancing at the time on her laptop before wincing and standing to properly kiss him goodbye. "I'm sorry. I just meant to sit down to write a note. I didn't mean to get so absorbed."

Humor sparked in his eyes as he leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I know. I could have reminded you, but it's cute when that happens. I like seeing you so focused."

Sang blushed, not quite sure what he meant as she stood on her toes to wrap her arms around his neck. "But I missed out on spending the morning with you." Rising higher, she pressed her lips to his, running the edges of her fingernails up and down his neck.

He made a sound against her mouth, his hands going to her hips as he lifted her on top of her desk, pushing closer as he sucked her lower lip between both of his. Now it was her turn to make a sound, her hands clutching at his neck as he ran his tongue along her captured lip.

With how everything had ended up between them, they'd decided to wait until their marriage a month ago to sleep together—as in the not literal kind of sleeping, this time. With only being that close with North for a few week, it somehow made very touch with him feel different. She wasn't sure if it was just a mental thing on her part or if it was because she knew all of North now. Well, some of him. He'd told her there were still lots of things for them to try when she was ready.

When he moved as if to lift his head, she wrapped her legs around his, her hands sliding into his hair to keep him close as she nipped at his lip. He let out a sound half between a groan and a growl as he lifted away from her enough to ask, "Are you hoping to convince me to be late for work?"

She hesitated. They'd only moved to this town right after their marriage, and North had opened up a garage where he both fixed and restored cars, while Sang worked from home as an author, writing books about girls in trouble who, with help from others, learned that they could save not only themselves, but others too. It wasn't like she couldn't spare some time this morning and North always got to the garage early to do some work before officially opening, so . . .

Before she could argue that he could occasionally stand to be late for work, Polaris barked and shoved his massive German Shepard body—mixed with some other giant breed, because North said his muzzle wasn't quite right for a Shepard—between the two of them and barked, wanting in on getting some attention.

North stepped back a little more, raising one eyebrow at the dog. "Are you moving in on my girl, Polaris?"

Polaris barked, as if to answer, and wagged his tail, making Sang laugh.

"Yeah, fine, we share her," North said, as though continuing a conversation as he leaned down to pet Polaris's head. "So that means we both have to take care of her, all right? I expect you to be on guard the whole time I'm gone, watching the house and keeping a special eye on our girl. Don't let her work too hard and remind her to eat—but don't forget to keep an ear out in case anyone comes by."

Polaris sat down for the lecture, his tail still and his face serious, as though soaking in every word. Sang couldn't help smiling, her eyes going to the French doors on the other side of the room that doubled as living room and her office. Though the house wasn't very large, she and North adored the large property surrounding it, with its giant pond that Sang insisted on calling a lake, and the woods on almost all sides that were perfect for exploring. But North worried about her being here alone, isolated from any nearby houses with their nearest neighbor being miles away.

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