Chapter 2

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"I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute." I had done it. It's not like I could go back and say 'oh never mind.' There was no turning back. Everyone on the stage knew that it was going to happen.

Evonka beamed. "It looks like district twelve has a volunteer! What's your name sweetie?"

"Primrose, Primrose Mellark." I hope my voice didn't shake.

"And now for the boys. Axel Abernathy! Come up here Axel." I watched as Haymitch's grandson stepped up beside me. If I didn't know him so well, I'd think he wasn't scared. "Let's congratulate Primrose and Axel!"

Nobody clapped. Evonka smiled through it. Peacekeepers suddenly grabbed me from behind, "get to the train."

"But we have to say goodbye!" I tried to wiggle out of his strong grasp.

"Nope." Was his only response. I knew I would see my parents as they were my mentors for the games, but what about Rue? Or August?

I didn't get anytime to dwell on the fact that I may never see my siblings again, as I was shoved onto the train with Axel. They turned, slamming the doors shut. We were alone. Just me, Axel, and our fear.

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Turns out we weren't completely alone. Katniss and Peeta eventually walked into the sitting room to show us the other reapings. They pointed out who each of the tributes parents or grandparents were as we went along.

The boy from eleven was not very big, but he did have a fierce glint in his eyes as he walked up to the podium.

Both tributes from seven looked deadly. The girl had a malicious look in her eyes as she volunteered. The boy was huge. He looked like he could take down a tree by giving it a punch.

District fours male tribute caught my eye. As his name was chosen, he didn't flinch, didn't look at anyone in the crowd specifically. The only thing he did was turn and blow kisses to the crowd.

It showed me that he had an ego, but also that he isn't scared of others. That could serve me well in the games. I'd make sure to scout him as an ally if he's not going to be a career.

Every other career tribute was stereotypical. Big, bulky, full of muscle. All of them shared the same hard glint in their eyes. That's why Peeta turned the TV off early. He then turned to me and Axel. "Allies are important. I would suggest staying away from careers, they'll backstab you at the first chance they get. Anybody catch your eye?"

Axel spoke up first. "Both from seven and the girl from six."

"No. The girl from seven looked psychotic, I don't trust that for an ally. I think the boy from eleven and four would be good though." Something seemed off about Maggie Olga. "I think the boy from four would be a good ally."

Peeta nodded. "She's Joanna's kid, I remember her telling us that she used to go into the woods just to kill animals. She never ate them just killed." Katniss seemed to stiffen at that. "The boy from four dad, was one of our good friends . Unfortunately, he sacrificed himself in hopes for a better future. I can probably pull some strings to get him to ally with you two. As for the others, that's up to you."

Axel seemed satisfied with having the girl from six, boy from seven, and four, as our allies. He brushed off his dress pants and stood up. "I need to get out of these clothes, call me when it's time for dinner."

Once he left, katniss turned to me. "What's your strategy for the games?"

Of course, that's what she wants to know. Not if I'm okay, not how I'm feeling, just my strategy. "I don't know, I'm good with knives so if I can get some at the cornucopia, I can have a good start. With Allies I can take down the careers depending on the arena and what their strengths are."

"No. Don't go to the cornucopia, run with your allies as fast as you can. Never show your strengths, they'll do the same." Katniss shut down my idea as fast as it started. "If you want to survive the games, you can't rely on weapons and other people."

Of course, my idea is not good enough. "So, you want me to run, never trust anyone, and not use my best weapon? That's just stupid." I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry katniss, but I don't want to turn into a broken, terrified mess like you."

I was beyond done with her asking questions then not listening to my answers. I don't want to never trust; I want to come out of the games stronger. I was just praying that katniss wasn't right. Praying that my own ego wouldn't kill me. 

Thank you so much for reading! I haven't updated the cover of this book so if anyone wants to send me some I would really appreciate it! 

When I was writing this part I was kind of like, wow. I mean I feel so bad for Prim. Having her mother never listen to her. Always feeling like she was second. Like Noooooo. 

Anyways, I really want to get to 50 reads so if you could share it with other people I would love it! Thank you again for bearing with my odd writing style. Please vote as well as comment what you think so far!

I also have a planning sheet for all the tributes with skills, appearances, and personality's so let me know if you'd like to see that!

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