Part IV

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As I drank my glass of wine, the bright, glistening sunlight, reflected off the glass and water and the light beamed into the room, outside, the rays of light reflected off the wet, puddle-filled ground. “This wine is good.” Aistulf claimed at the table with Ferdinand, Mark, and a few soldiers. “It's so nice outside as well, maybe I shall visit the Kingdom of Del today and work things out between Charlie and whomever the king of Del is.” He said at the table, soon getting a response from Ferdinand, “yes, I will follow you and help out if necessary.”
  “That'd be fine, though, I will do most of the talking.” Aistulf said in a relaxed voice, “I'm sorry to interrupt, but just to correct you, your highness, the king of Del’s name is Antonio Esposito, hebused to be friends with Charlie.” Mark said.
  “Oh, interesting and also good to know,” he drank some more of his wine. Charlie I, the king of Plata soon walked in, as well as the king of Del. “Woah, this is very unexpected, I did not know you two would show up. It's a pleasure to meet you, Antonio” Aistulf said as he greeted them both and shook Antonio's hand.
  After a few hours of talking, they reach an agreement, Del and Plata would move their forces away from the border and have a demilitarized zone established, no soldiers could enter without permission. Soon after the agreement was made, Antonio left and Charlie soon after. The sun still glistened on the fine day, the horses trotting through the puddles on the cobblestone road as well as random commoners.

After a few months, peace was achieved, though small skirmishes between Plata and Indono tribes still happened, but fewer and fewer each month. “Are Plata and those tribes at war?” He asked the informant, “yes, your highness, though, they only have small skirmishes.” He replied. Aistulf, nodding his head said, “alright, if this continues for a few more years or possibly a whole year, we shall conquer those tribes and use their land for ourselves.” He said in a very annoyed voice.
  “Aistulf, my lord, an invasion from the sea has just appeared out of nowhere, they're known as Mamiks Empire!” A messenger shouted out through the room to the king. “Wait what?! Get 5 1,000 man groups down there now!” Aistulf exclaimed, the messenger rode off into the distance to get the soldiers to head down there and help the other soldiers fighting for their lives to protect the kingdom. “You, messenger, go out to notify Plata and Del!” He ordered and that messenger went off as well.

A few weeks after the invasion, 10,000 more men went after the 5,000 men to stop the invasion, so far, the Mamiks have made it deep into the southern area of the kingdom, taking over 3 villages and a town. “My lord, what shall we do? They are very strong and much more powerful.” A messenger asks, with a quick response, Aistulf said, “We will gather soldiers from our kingdom, the kingdom of del and Plata, along with soldiers from possibly Indono Tribes!” With that, the messenger nodded and went off to the Indono tribes.
  Soon, 10,000 men from Del and Plata showed up later that day, they stood outside, some wearing their banners, being ordered off to the coast, where they charged and fought off the Mamiks.

  A few months later, the Mamiks backed off, their smallholdings being given up. “Aistulf, we lost 17,000 soldiers from that invasion.” An informant said, Aistulf gave a nod, motioning him off.
  “Your highness, the kingdoms of Del and Plata are at war” someone said, with a jolt of energy, Aistulf yelled out, “WHAT?!” Looking at the person who said it, “I demand to know why, and who started it” he demanded. “It was Del and the reason was for land.” With a sigh, Aistulf said “wow, well, if Del wins, we'll invade them.” He said reluctantly.

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