Chapter II, Part V

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There stood two goddesses on a battlefield in the year 0, to their right were soldiers charging and firing guns, to their left were soldiers charging and slicing and stabbing, in the middle stood two goddesses, the goddess of ice and fire and the goddess of lightning and thunder. “You are a weaker version of me!” Cirnz shouted out to Aino. “Those who are weaker may always have a chance to overcome the more powerful one.” She said in response before they charged at each other. Cirnz’ blue ice sword clashing up against Aino’s red lightning sword. When releasing, Cirnz swiped, slashed, and attempted to stab Aino multiple times but she managed to dodge and weave them in the sky. The fighting around them continued as Cirnz shot out five ice blades from her right hands. “You false goddess!” She shouted as Aino dodged 4 but was scarred by one in the leg.
  “Alright,” she said as she released three consecutive waves of lightning around her, following that was the loud sound of thunder, Cirnz managed to shield herself from two but was slightly scathed by the third where she flew up higher than Aino and shot homing ice shards at her.
  Unable to dodge, Aino sat there then cut one in half and bent over for the other that went over her and turned around to shoot right past her and she sliced it in half. “Pathetic!” She shouted to Cirnz, “where's the fire?” He snickered. “It's the winter, ice works better in the winter!” She shouted back as she floated down to the ground, facing Aino.
  “We are both immortal, we both match each other's strength and abilities, I call a truce between us two.” Aino said to Cirnz, reaching her hand out. “I accept,” Cirnz said smiling and shaking her hand, forming an agreement between the two; the Truce between Ice and Lightning was the name.
  The battle around them continued on as they sat there peacefully, watching it all go down and seeing men and women slaughter each other and slice each other in half. “This is amusing, right?” She asked Aino who responded with a “yea,”
  “Have you tried to become the empress of Fins?” Cirnz asked Aino curiously. “I failed to, but since I'm a goddess, I was granted the position of chancellor and general.” She responded quickly.
  “That's nice,” Cirnz said, hopping up and levitating and heading back to her empires capital, “tell your soldiers to run and I'll tell mine to run, it'll be a draw.” She said as Aino looked at her and did the same as her, calling out to their soldiers, both remaining armies ran.

While standing in her room, getting dressed, her body still as white and pale as always, a servant knocked, asking if she could get Cirnz anything. “No!” Cirnz shouted out to her, “alright, my lord,” the servant said, walking away, her footsteps quiet and unable to be heard. Thinking to herself, Cirnz though if how quiet the lady was and checked under the door after getting changed, seeing no one was there, she busted through the door, ready to slice someone's head off.
  Stood infront of her was Charlie as fog flee off of his body but stayed within a perimeter around his body. “What do you want, Charlie?” She asked, her face pale as if she were to be sick. “It seems you might be sick, this is exactly the beginning of your punishment.” He said, smiling, joy planted in his mind and on his face from seeing her sort of sick.
  “Actually, I don't know if I'm sick yet” she said, smirking. The smile that was planted on Charlie's face formed into a sort of annoyed stare as he looked at Cirnz’ face and didn't say a single thing. “You will understand sooner or later. I heard you had a draw with another immortal goddess on the battlefield a few days back.” He said with a grin on his face, “I'm glad you didn't win.” He finished and then he disappeared.
  “I do not like that creature having the ability to go wherever he pleases.” She mumbled to herself under her breath, slightly annoyed but also slightly smirking from winning the argument against him.
  Something played in her mind, projecting an image before her. Stood in front of her was her mother, blood running from gouged out eyes and out of her mouth. Next to her was her father, who layed on the ground, staring at Cirnz with his eyes as his limbless body laid there. Horror grew in her eyes as she looked away then slowly looked back, nothing was there. She sighed with relief and was still worried, wondering what was going on, she was unable to speak at that moment either.
  “What… could it have been that creature. Maybe it's those monkey Mamiks.” She said to herself quietly, before looking up, seeing people walking on the roads and carriages and horses passing by, they were going on with their day as if it were normal. “Monkeys,” she said to herself while thinking of Mamiks.
  While out in the palace hallway, she paced down and back quickly, when suddenly, she felt something grab her behind, when she looked, a male servant was grabbing it with a smirk on his face, he was naked from the bottom down, his penis hanging about. When she saw and looked, she was disgusted and got even more grossed out when he began humping her behind. As she pulled herself off of him, she had an ice shard cut it up, blood came rushing from it as the other half rested on the floor. “AHHH, WHAT THE FUCK!” the man screamed as guards came rushing in.
  “Get this man!” She yelled as guards came and grabbed him, he refused to go, resisting, trying to escape their grasps but couldn't, he was taken away. As servants cleaned up the floor and got rid of the other half of the piece, she said, “disgusting, filthy person,” to one of her servants who said back, “yes, he was very disgusting, we must hope he is put to eternal rest.” she looked at Cirnz and then focused back onto the mess that was cleaned up. “If you need anything, shout for me, my lady” she bowed a bit then walked off.
  When turning to look out the window after the disgusting events, she saw a masked figure in the distance, the sun setting just enough light for a figure to be made out, it stood at an average height, its body slim but probably muscular. A red glowing glare came from where its eye could be and it was quite bright to be seen from the palace window. She just stared and it stared back at her.
  “I wonder who that is,” Cirnz said as she looked to her left to look at a servant who then looked out the window seeing no one there. “There's no one there, my lady.” The servant said, when looking over, Cirnz saw that there was no one there.
  “So many events in just this one day, too many, something odd must be approaching.” She said to herself as she sat on her throne smirking as she looked down at the people walking into their homes and stopping their carriages.

Days later, she was on the battlefield, shooting ice out of her palms and watching as it pierced through her enemies, slicing their heads off, as well as slicing them in half. Fire burning them, watching as they yell or attempt to yell for help but unable to gain any. “Heh,” she laughed to herself, sounding insane.
  “You will die,” she said over and over as she shot ice shards through people's bodies. Their bodies shortly after, dropping down onto the ground as she laughed more. “What the-” a soldier said as fear filled his eyes, backing away slowly before his head was sliced off by a soldier with a sword.
  A new goddess appeared, this goddess was fighting for the kingdom Prus, where she stood there were soldiers to wherever left and right. She rose up off the ground, her powers unknown but she might be immortal. When rising from the ground, a few people who could use magic stood up, revealing themselves. They all shoot beams of water that tore through soldier after soldier, splitting many in half from the sheer force and power of it. The goddess, while in the sky, raised her hand up, slashed it down towards her, balls of water headed towards Cirnz as also spikes of water rose from the ground quickly.
  Cirnz quickly dodged it then looked over at one of the balls of water, when it hit the ground, it put a dent in the ground as it exploded. “What was that?!” Cirnz mocked the goddess doing the same thing but this time giant spikes shot from the sky at the goddess, when missing, they hit large amounts of soldiers while the soldiers charged and many fought one another. “Water? Water… Ah, your name is Afareen!” She said after figuring it out with a much too proud voice.
  Water spikes shot at her, maintaining their form as liquid shooting through the air and nearly hitting Cirnz. “Weak,” Cirnz yelled out as an ice shard scraped and scarred Afareen’s leg. With that, Afareen became infuriated, relentlessly doing move after move, tons of water spikes rising from the ground at once and one after another, giant water bullets shooting through the sky as well as ice and fire moves going on. They went crazy at each other, but stuck far away from each other.
  As the battle around them slowed and died down, the two looked around, breathing heavily and their energy drained. Many lay dead on the ground, others injured severely. The Kingdom of Prus losing much more obviously and having to retreat from their invasion. The goddess followed them, quickly and embarrassingly. “Weak goddess!” Cirnz yelled out once more before facing herself and marching back proud with herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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