Part V

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With a cup of water in his hand, Aistulf said, “fuck the Del, invade them now.” With that, the messenger was sent off to get 50,000 soldiers ready for an invasion. “You 5, come with me, we're going to do in a walk,”
  When walking down the street with his 5 guards, he runs into a person who was standing still, knocking him to the floor by accident, “sorry, sir, I didn't mean to do that!” Aistulf apologized, a look of guilt washing over his face.
  “Alright, I got to go now,” Aistulf said, walking on. When he finished his walk, he got back to his chair; his throne, where he sat, awaiting for news. When news came, he was eager to know, “what is it!” He demanded, “sir, our forces have pushed the Delian soldiers out of Plata and pushed them way back into their kingdom, we are currently besieging their capital.” The informant said, happily.
  “Well, when the king is caught, bring him before me so I can personally cut him down.” He demanded, motioning off the informant after that. “By next year, Del will be a part of Aist.” Aistulf claimed.

Next year soon arrived, with that, the king was correct, Fel was soon fully under Aist control and being integrated into Aist. The king Antonio I, was sent before Aistulf, where he gave his last words, “If thou didn't invade, I wouldn't hast to strike thee down before Aistulf.” Aistulf said before Antonio's head was soon on the floor and his body dropped down, nothing but blood oozing out onto the concrete floor.
  “Someone, clean this mess up!” Aistulf ordered before walking out of the building and getting on horseback, riding off to see his new lands.
  On his way there, he saw the beautiful scenery once more and the setting sun began. The trip was long, partially harsh, and dangerous. He arrived in 4 days, where he soon arrived at the major city there. “This place looks nice,” he said while waving at his new people. “Your king is dead and now you stand before your new king” he shouted out as a crowd of people gathered before him, he held a glass of wine in his hand and raised it before chugging it down and throwing the glass. “You will all listen, and listen very good, I am your king, you listen to me, I will treat you alright!” He exclaimed.

“Now, destroy that throne building, now!” He ordered out as many workers began to rush to it to tear it all down and reuse the materials for something better. “Before me lies a trashed and destroyed city, what lies in the future of this place is a built-up, perfect city!”
  He then rode off back to the capital, his horses feet dashing, galloping at a fast pace, rushing through puddles as they splashed onto his legs and feet. He shrugged it off and let it dry, soon enough, in 4 days, he returned home.

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