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In the early morning, the sun peaking over the hills and mountains in the far distance, and the cool breeze flowing through the nice and clean air, Aistulf slowly, and drowsily got out of bed, walking through the halls of the palace, his feet sliding across the floor, sort of gracefully, the moonlight peeking in through the windows, putting off a slight shadow of the walls onto the floor. In his mind, all that was playing was a piano, so soft, so nice, playing a beautiful song, no singing, just the piano playing.
He walked further through the halls, so long, yet not-so-tiring to him, he let off a few sighs, but having a slight smile on his face, showing he's not depressed, but a bit happy. He says under his breath for a moment, "I miss her" as he walks further down the hall, then turning, looking out the palaces windows at the rolling fields in the distance and the mountains in the even farther distances, seeing small houses with smoke coming out of their chimneys from fireplaces, all he continued to hear was a piano playing, but a violin also began to play along with it.
The soothing tone made him feel more relaxed, less depressed, a smile growing on his face more as he thought about his father, mother, sister, and wife and the happiness they shared together. This walk was relaxing to him, allowing him to relax and get away from the stress of leading his people and other new people to a greater future and keeping the kids of his kingdom safe and treating them all fair.
His hair, so long and soft, slowly blew from the few windows that were open, blowing fresh and nice, cool air onto his face and torso. "This feels nice," he said in a calm and soothing voice, his voice being light as always, sounding like a girl almost. He wore a cape a white cape with the insignia of his family on it which blew elegantly from the breeze. The words of his mother and father are also now playing on repeat in his head along with the piano and violin.

Though his eyes were still blank and in shock from the previous day, he still smiled, he was trying to forget the image, the horrifying sight he saw before him in that carriage. He could only imagine his family, in a field, the trees blowing light, the leaves brushing against each other. The grass shining from being wet and the sun shining directly onto it, the music continued to play, his depression still roaming his body, but happiness and nostalgia occupying his mind at the moment.
The depiction of beauty was this, he had been trying and suffering for days, even years now, but now he is at peace, having the ability to see the beauty of life even with stress, he enjoyed this walk, and continued walking, going around the corner, he could see faint lights in the distance, realizing he could see Aisu from his palace, he stopped, turning slowly to face it, and tearing up more. He smiled and then continued walking.
"This such beauty better continue until I perish peacefully." He said smiling to himself in the hallway. He then canceled out the nose surrounding him once more with the music playing in his head, the music he was imagining in his head from the past. His arrogance and stupidity from the past was being ignored by himself and he thought of only happiness and ways to please his remaining family and people, he wanted to please his lord as well, his mind, and body. He wished to please all.
The sun began to peek more out from the far hills, the halls seemed to go on for eternity but in reality they were just forever turning, 4 hall segments, 1 large hallway. His eyes, brown, but shining, as he walked and stared out the windows that he passed by. He wished to be forgiven by all that he has deposed, who he has struck down, and taken from. The era and age of peace has passed through him and begins now for him.
"Lord shall you forgive me or for you to not, I will always do what I think is right and this is that path I shall follow and go down from now on" he said in his mind. His ways were not the best, but he could not stand to see people suffer while he lived peacefully and happily.

When he turned the corner once more, he saw a servant, "hey, you! Come over here real quick!" He called out for her, she quickly went to him and walked alongside him. "I need paper to clean my face." He said, "is everything alright, my lord?" She asked with worry, realizing he wasn't alright, he lied saying he was, stating that the wind was causing him to get teary and a runny nose. Though she could tell he was lying, she went along with it and passed a paper, where he cleaned his face and they continued to walk, talking about life and how he will begining to go down a new, more peaceful path.
When he said that, it struck her with surprise, she did not expect to hear any of that, especially from her king. They continued to walk, he began to slowly sweat from all the walking. "I miss my family so much" he said under his breath, she could barely hear it.
As she walked off to attend to her duties, he waved, wishing her the best on those duties. When he walked down the stairs, he began to think more and more of her and his family, the flowers blooming and the tall grass along the pathway from Aist to Plata. The thoughts raced through his mind as he walked more and each step he took, he began to get more tired.
He soon reached his bed where he lay to relax and finally sleep until it's a proper time to awaken. His hair slightly wet from sweating and his body shining the moonlight and early sunlight off of it from how white he is. He lays, slowly dozing off, the sight of his family and him slowly fading in as he does so.

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