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Chapter thirty three

"Leaving Earth once again." 

Having gotten everyone off the helecarrier and somewhere safe to where they could get the care they needed, Amaya kept looking around for Thor as Steve was following behind her, afraid of what she'd do if she couldn't find him "Amaya.." he told her, as Amaya waved him off "no, no, no.." she mumbled, stopping and looking around again, she began playing with her wedding ring, where the first person she saw walk in was Tony, as she walked up to him "what did you do..what did you do?" she asked, hitting him in the chest.

Tony stumbled back "I.." was all he was able to tell her "where happened? Where is he? Where is he?" Amaya asked hitting him over and over, and as she did, Tony let her having been where she was when he thought he lost Pepper, and it wasn't like she was yelling at him like she usually did, he heard the pain in her voice "he..he was supposed to come back." Amaya said, her voice breaking "he was supposed to come back." she said, starting to cry, she ran her hands through her hair and began to pace.

Steve and Tony stood there and watched her, not knowing what to do or say to make it better, until "Amaya." Thor said, and when he did, the three turned their attention to him, where he was pretty banged up, as Amaya ran toward's him and jumped into his arms, kissing him, Thor wrapped his arms around her, kissing her back "I thought you were dead.." Amaya told him, as Thor nodded "I know. I know. I'm sorry." he told her, kissing her again, neither of the two wanted to let go of each other.

And after that, it had been a few days, and they had even been spending a lot more time in the new avengers facility in upstate New York, where Thor had told Amaya all about his plan how when they left, he wanted to go searching around the cosmos to find the rest of the infinity stones while she was to go back to Asgard and be with Percy but Amaya wasn't gonna have that, telling him wherever you go I go and how Percy would be better off seeing both of them again opposed to just one of them, and he agreed.

Where the two were walking out, arms linked together as Steve walked up to them "you two leaving already?" he asked "it's been long enough." Thor told him, as Tony walked up "better not be leaving without saying goodbye to me." Tony told them, as Amaya chuckled "we were hoping too." she told him, as the four of them began walking together "so about the hammer and the trident?" Tony asked "the rules have changed." Steve told them "we're dealing with something new." Tony mentioned "well, the Visions is artificial intelligence." Steve mentioned "a machine." Tony mentioned "so, it doesn't count?" Steve asked.

"No, it's not like a person lifting them." Tony shared "right, different rules for us." Steve mentioned "nice guy. Artificial." Tony pointed out "thank you." Steve said "is this what you two have been thinking about this whole time?" Amaya asked "he can wield the hammer and the trident, he can keep the mind stone. It's safe with the vision. And these days, safe is in short supply." Thor shared "but if you put them in an elevator.." Steve thought "it will still go up." Tony mentioned "elevator's not worthy." Steve mentioned.

As Amaya chuckled "I'm gonna miss these little talks of ours." Thor shared "not if you don't leave." Tony told them "even if it wasn't for Percy, we'd still have no choice." Amaya shared "the mind stone is the fourth of the infinity stones to show up in the last few years. It's not a coincidence." Thor shared, as the four of them headed outside "someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us. And once all these pieces are in position.." Thor shared "triple yahtzee." Tony said "you think you two can find out what's coming?" Steve asked.

"We do." Amaya told him, as she stepped forward, Thor slapped Tony on the chest "besides this one." he said, as he followed Amaya "there's nothing that can't be explained." he shared, as the two turned looking at Steve and Tony, Thor put his arm around Amaya as she grabbed onto him, Thor held his hammer up, calling the bifrost and as he did, the two soon disappeared.

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