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Chapter sixty

"Fighting as a family." 

Where after Freya was born, almost every planet after that they seemed to go to seemed to be having some type of battle, where in one of them, when they were flying the ship toward's the castle and shooting at the enemies down below, the ship soon stopped moving "Rocket, what the hell's going on?" Peter asked him "I don't know! It's like the buttons are all jammed or something!" Rocket voiced, pressing all of them "well figure it out or we're all gonna die!" Ares voiced "don't you think I.." Rocket was telling him.

But then in front of all their eyes they watched as the castle in front of them exploded, almost like if they had gone there, they all would've died, as the ship then began to power back up, everyone around them was discussing about what could've made the ship do that, but as they did, Amaya turned looking at Freya who still just a baby as she sat in a car seat next to Percy "she did it." she said "what?" Thor asked, looking to her "Freya made the ship power down." Amaya shared "how could a baby do that?" Drax asked "because she has magic like her uncle and grandmother." Thor shared, looking at Freya.

"Well, seeing as this wars been ended before it's even started. How about we figure out where we're gonna go next?" Ares asked, as Rocket began pressing buttons "already on it." he shared, as they began flying off and away from this planet.

It had then been a few years since then, where Percy was now fifteen and Freya was five, where the two were hiding behind a giant rock with Rocket and Groot "give me those. You're gonna break em." Rocket shared, pulling the binoculars out of Groot's mouth "I am groot!" Groot voice, walking away "ah, you got sap all over it." Rocket shared, as gunshots came flying toward's them "this is really bad!" Percy voiced "terrible. We're all about to die." Drax shared, as Ares smacked him "don't say that to the kids!" he voiced.

"You said this planet would be a relaxing holiday." Rocket told Thor "I said it was going to be, like a relaxing holiday. But look at that resplendent skyscape. Three suns of Saturn. What could be more relaxing then that?" Thor asked, as Amaya pulled him down just as a bullet whizzed past them "an actual holiday!" Rocket voiced "die, booskan scum!" Peter yelled, shooting at them "god of thunder and goddess of the sea." a man said, as Amaya and Thor turned seeing blue creatures dressed in blue an orange, they stood up.

"King Yakan." Thor told him "you have finally joined our fight." king Yakan shared "well, as they say. Better late then not at all." Thor shared, chuckling "yes, it's very nice. As you know, we used to live in a peaceful oasis. But then our gods were murdered." king Yakan shared, and when he did, Amaya furrowed her brows "what?" she asked "murdered?" Thor questioned "did he just say gods were murdered!" Ares voiced, as Percy shook his head "I'm not going through that again!" he voiced "through what?" Freya asked him with furrowed brows.

"And now our sacred temple has been left unguarded, and habookska's hordes took control of it's power. It is our most sacred shrine and he desecrates it." king Yakan shared "we will put an end to that very shortly." Amaya shared, as she turned around "kids come on!" she voiced, walking toward's the rocks, she patted Ares on the shoulder "you too." she told him, as Percy and Freya stood up, they climbed onto the rocks, standing next to Ares and their mother.

Thor soon climbed up and joined them all, where as Amaya, Ares and Freya pulled out their swords, Percy and Thor held their hands out as mijolnir and stormbreaker flew into them, the two then held them up as lightning struck down, their eyes even glowed, the bookskan's all got on their land speeders and road toward's them. 

All five of them then jumped into the air, flipping they landed on the ground, as shots began getting fired at them, they all walked forward and as the land speeders came toward's them, Thor slammed his hammer down on one of them sending it flying while Percy and Ares then hit the next one causing it to explode, another one came at them, as Freya grabbed Amaya's hand, the two disappeared then reappeared on the land speeder "hi!" Freya voiced, as the creatures screamed, Amaya stabbed her sword into the engine causing it to spin out of control, where she turned and grabbed Freya, jumping off the land speeder just as it went into a rock and exploded.

Another land speeder began coming their way, as Thor and Percy looked at each other, the two ran toward's it and jumped in the air, the creature screamed, as the two slammed their hammers down onto it causing it to explode, another land speeder began coming toward's them, as Ares grabbed it and sent it flying away, as it crashed and exploded.

The five of them stood back to back, as a whole army of booskans came toward's them on their land speeders, they all began swinging their weapons as them and taking them out, as each of them exploded.

Then two more land speeders came speeding at them, as Ares and Percy stood back to back, the two slammed their fists down on them, as they flipped over hitting each other and exploded, meanwhile a bigger sized one came their way, as Thor jumped up and kicked it, it rolled over and caught on fire.

Ares then motioned to the temple where the rest of the gunfire was coming from "now we just have to deal with those guys." he shared, as Amaya, Percy and Freya stood next to him, they all furrowed their brows, realizing Thor wasn't with them "Thor?" Amaya and Ares asked "dad?" Percy and Freya asked, as they then saw a bolt of lightning going up to the temple "oh no.." Amaya said, as things could be heard cracking, Thor came out the top sending the rest of the booskans flying as he then came flying back down to them all.

"Well done, family. We can collectively take credit for that because we worked as a team. We used our hearts and our minds to defeat the enemy with minimal loss or damage." Thor shared "slight problem god of thunder." Ares told him "why?" Thor asked, as the temple crumbled to pieces behind him "that's why." Amaya said, pointing at it, Percy and Freya stepped toward's her, as Thor turned around looking at it "oh." he said, realizing what he had done.

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