Chapter 17: Meeting the Zoologist

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Blood stained the girl's face as her hand pressed against her head in an attempt at stopping the bleeding. The fox-eared girl's pleas was suffocated by the many angry shouts around her.

The siege of farmers was slowly closing around the girl, their tools pointed menacingly at her at the same moment she retreated, her back eventually hitting the wall.

"STOOOOOP!" Y/n's booming voice cut through the crowd's shouts, and he leaped from the tree he was clinging to, landing just in front the zoologist, whose eyes dilated.

The shouting ceased, and they stared bewildered at Y/n who rose an arm to the girl as he eyed the crowd, their faces a contorted in a mix of confusion and fury. Undeterred, he continued.

"I think that's going too far! Don't you feel ashamed of yourselves? A bunch of grown men and women, grouping up against one person?"

"Person?!" One scoffed, outraged. "How can you call that a person, boy? That's an insult for us!"

"He's right," another one supported, "have you seen those ears? And, my Lord... That tail! It's unnatural! It's a demon in disguise."

One by one the farmers threw their insults at them, the girl's traits and the boy's intrusiveness being the targets, their voices thick with hatred.

"It stole our food, fruit of our hard work!"

"Now we finally have it cornered, and we were about to end it. So don't try to be a hero, boy, get out of the way!"

Y/n heard a thud behind him and turned his head, just to find the girl lying there, holding her right side.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he knelt by her side. The farmers erupted in protests, but he paid no mind, his focus solely on the zoologist's well-being. Their eyes locked, a tentative trust forming in the current adversity, she said.

"I was struck by an arrow..."

The chatter from the farmers resounded with morbid excitement at hearing those words, making Y/n's blood boil. Tears welled in the corner of her eyes and her ears were flattened against her head, but the pain of the wound didn't seem to be the cause of none.

"May I see?" His soft voice managed to reach her ears and, with her silent confirmation, he pulled her cloak aside, revealing a big stain of red easily highlighted in the rags she wore.

She lost too much blood, Y/n thought, and ran his eyes through the inventory.

"See, my peers!" the hatchet guy said. "The demon will soon die! But what would we be if we didn't show our mercy for the wrong-doers? For the glory of our Lord, as much as this filthy being doesn't deserve, let's put an end to the demon and the heretic's suffering!"

Raising their weapons as well as their voice, the crowd chorused in agreement, chanting a kind of praise for this "Lord". Y/n had his back to them, conversing with the fox girl as the hatchet guy walked closer.

"May the Lord forgive thy tainted souls, heretic and demon."

Y/n threw him a glare over his shoulder, his eyes glowing an intense green that rendered the crowd dead silent and trembling. "One step closer and I'll make sure nothing fixes your legs when I break them." The crowd recoiled, their chants replaced by wary murmurs.

"No, it can't be... It's him."

"By the stars! We're doomed, the war herald returned."

"And he's helping a demon... Unsurprising."

He had no time to waste with this bunch, his gaze darted back to the zoologist, softening to a comforting glow as he looked at her surprised face. She was a bit pale. That was bad, if she lost much more blood, she won't make it.

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