We are!

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"Ok guys tonight is the big night ok this is our first award show and we got to show what we're made of to the other groups and our fans," I said!

"Ok yikes on three. ONE, TWO, THREE, YIKES!"

Today was a pretty big day we were at the MAMA awards and we were promoting songs from our new album "Uh Oh".

We debuted pretty well. We got a little hate due to having a mixed group debut as a Kpop group. I'm Korean, P'Ton is Taiwanese, and Minsu Korean and African American.

But we kept it going and got a pretty good fan base already. Plus Kpop is Korean pop we sing in Korean so what's the issue?

Up next is a new fifth generation boy band with a edgy style and killer looks performing their hit songs from Mini album Uh Oh it's YIKES!

As we were ready to walk on stage some guy came running by. He was trying to catch up to his group and we heard a slight. "Good luck!"

We got in stage and performed our asses off. And it was pretty well received once we got off stage we all hugged and were extremely proud.

"That was amazing guys all the hard work payed off," I said! We talked more about the performance as we were walking to our dressing room but we're stop.

"Woah," someone said! "Y'all know y'all just ate that up right?"

"Like woah I never seen a band do what y'all do that's was so good!"

"Oh thank you so much," I said! "Oh my gosh of course, wow my group is up next I don't know how we're topping that," he joked. We laughed along with him.

"P1Harmony? Oh your Keeho," P'Ton said! "Oh my gosh y'all's comeback gosh I wish we could do something like that the vibe y'all are giving is amazing!"

"Stop stop you can't say that when I just said that," he said!

"Ok we gotta get on stage are y'all going to he after-party," he asked!?

"Yeah we were planning on it," I said. "Come to section eight me and my group will be there," he said. "We got to talk!"

"Yeah of course we'll see you there, I said!

Once he left me and my mates fanboyed about what just happened.

"No way Keeho was that impressed I can't believe I actually got to talk to him too," Minsu said!

"Another one to add to your list of celebrity crushes," I teased. "Shut up I'm just saying, he even invited us to hang with his group at the club later that's awesome," he said!

"And better cause we didn't even get a section," P'Ton said. "Don't be too sad about that were still rookies we have lots to learn," I said.

We got back to the audience and watched Piwons performance and like on TV they were great. The dancing an the music and the rapping was pretty great too.

After the award show we got changed again and we were taken to where the after party was being held. So many kpop stars were there and at this moment I felt really happy that we made it.

We walked around a bit to find section eight and who did we see Piwon sitting in their area celebrating.

"Oh my gosh y'all made it," Keeho said! He got up and walked over to us shaking our hands. "I'm glad y'all could make it come sit," he said!

"Guys this is the new band Yikes they performed before us," Keeho explained!

"Oh yeah come on sit with us," a boy with black hair said! "Yeah we definitely wanna talk about y'all's performance," another said.

•Lesson's After Dark• Male Reader x Jongseob ★P1H★Where stories live. Discover now