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They ran all the way from that door to the doors that they had all arrived through at different times.

Thomas pulled a red lever that opened the doors to reveal a sandy wasteland.

The group ran up the sand dune trying to get away, "Get down! Get down!" Thomas whisper yells.

They all get down, hiding behind the sand dune as guards spill out the building looking for them. Some guards run around as more guards drive out on quad bikes. They stayed down for a moment just watching as the guards split up before Thomas glanced back seeing Spencer already getting up.

"Alright stay low but go!" He yells, starting to lead them away from the building and guards.

The sand whipping around clouded their vision as they ran forward. Teresa joined Spencer in running in front of everyone, "Teresa! Spencer! Hang on, stay together!" Thomas yelled to them but they both ignored him and carried on running.

"I think we lost them!" Minho yells to everyone.

"Keep going guys. Let's go!" Thomas ran next to Teresa but close enough to the group so they could hear him.

Spencer ran down to a building that was half covered by the sand with Teresa not far behind her. She felt around the windows trying to find an entrance.

"Watch out! Where are we even going?" Minho tells Thomas as they help the others down the sand hill without falling.

"Come on Aris! Come on." Thomas yelled.

"Over here!" Minho yells.

They all stare down into the broken glass window with sand making a hill down into the building. Without a second thought Spencer slid on her side down into the building.

"Spencer!" Thomas yelled.

Teresa began making her way in following Spencer.

"Teresa! Get back up here, both of you!" Thomas tried to stop Teresa from going in but she had already gone too far in.

"Get down here!"

Everyone stepped through the window as fast as they could and slid down the pile of sand into the new building. No lights were on in the building making it almost impossible for them to see.

Minho took off his backpack and searched around in it before pulling out a flashlight and turning it on. He points it around making sure they are alone, "Where the hell are we?" He asks, pointing the flashlight in the middle of the group.

Spencer pulled out the neck gaiter from her pocket and pulled it over her head leaving it too rest on her neck for now as they werent in the sand but she pulled her hood back up.

"We gotta go." Thomas says ignoring him and starting to walk further into the building gesturing for them to follow.

"No Thomas stop!" Teresa yells. He stops walking and turns to look at her, "Tell me what's going on."

"It's Wicked. They lied to us, we never escaped." Thomas begins to explain. "Aris, Spencer and I found bodies. There are too many to count."

"What do you mean bodies?" Minho asks concerned. "Like dead bodies?"

"No but they weren't alive either." He says, shaking his head slightly. "They had them strung up, tubes coming out of them. They were being... they were being drained. There's something inside us Wicked wants. Something in our blood so we have to get away from them."

"Okay." Newt nods. "What's your plan?" Thomas stays silent. "You do have a plan right?"

"Yeah I dunno." Thomas murmurs.

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