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I pulled up my sweatpants as I stepped out of Lucas's room, wiping beads of sweat from my forehead. I could not believe I just did that. His grunts and groans as I pounded him senseless rang in my head. I couldn't believe that I just had sex with Lucas Sampson. Not only that, but I was on top. 

I never imagined Lucas Sampson as gay, I never imagined anyone else in this town as being gay like me- but here we were. Maybe it was the tension, maybe it was the hatred, I didn't know. I covered my mouth with my hand as I leaned against the closed door. The door swung open, and I nearly fell backwards. Strong arms caught me.

"Jesus! The Hell are you doing? Thought you left already..." grumbled Lucas. He shoved me off of him and I staggered to my feet. I ran my fingers through my hair and stared down the hall. "Stop doing that," snapped Lucas.

I glanced back at him. "Doing what?"

"That- that hair thing. When you put your fingers through it and makes it all slick back or whatever. Knock it off."


"Because we just had sex, and you're making me want to do it again!" barked Lucas. "Seriously, you look too hot for your own good when you do that. Trust me."

"You want me to trust you?" I snorted.

Lucas rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall. He'd pulled on a pair of tight jeans, but kept his shirt off. And now his body was catching my eye. I tried not to stare though, and I kept my eyes trained either on the door or on his face. 

I'd put all of my clothes back on and was eager to slip away after all of that, nearly forgetting why I came in the first place. "I still want my money Lucas," I said, jabbing a finger at him. "If you need time, I can give you that, but I'm serious. I need that fucking money- cash, too, nothing else."

Lucas sighed. He opened the door and slid inside his bedroom again. I thought he was going to shut the door in my face, but instead he opened a drawer of his dress, pulled out a wad of bills, and counter some out. I watched him like a hawk as he counted out ones, fives, and tens. Small bills that wouldn't draw too much suspicion.

He walked back over to me, and slapped a wad of cash against my chest. "Here. Seventy-five bucks. That's all I can spare right now. I'll get you the rest eventually. If you can hold your horses for a couple weeks."

I stared at the money in disbelief. "Lucas... where the hell did you get all of this?" 

"That's none of your goddamn business, now is it fa-" he cut himself off. "Nevermind."

"I could kiss you, holy shit!" I exclaimed, flipping through the bills. 

Lucas glared at me, crossing his arms. "Try and kiss me, see what happens dickhead. I'll cut your fucking lips off. Then who's gonna kiss you? Huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious Lucas this is- amazing. And plenty of money for groceries."

Lucas looked nervous for a second. "Look, don't tell anyone where you got it from. I gave it to you because I owed you, and you did just give me some decent cock," he said nonchalantly. "But I don't do handouts. Tell anyone about this, even your sister, and you are so dead."

"I can't even tell the little ones?" I asked, an attempt at a joke.

The confusion that crossed Lucas's face was so genuine I nearly choked. "Dude, are you serious?" I asked him.

"Since when do you have little sisters?!" he said, throwing up his hands. "Damn it why didn't you mention that when we were robbing you? Yeah I was fine making you miserable, but letting a little one go hungry? Fuck no! I thought it was just you and Penny, and Penny has a job..." he trailed off, babbling about something I couldn't make out.

"It's fine, dude, you're making up for it-" I tried pointing out.

Lucas pointed at me accusingly. "Why wouldn't you fucking tell me you had little sisters? Are they eating well? Are they healthy?"

I rolled my eyes. "Why would you care? And for the record, yes, they are. Penny and I take turns watching them while the other's at work. And we're looking for a sitter." Lucas opened his mouth. "Absolutely not, I am not letting you watch them," I cut him off immediately. Lucas pouted a little, and I had to admit it was kind of cute. But not cute enough to change my mind. "Dude, I need someone qualified. Penny already wants her psycho girlfriend to watch them-"

Lucas gawked at me. "Now Penny has a girlfriend? Are there any straight Barkers?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. Ask Greg."

Lucas wrinkled his nose. "Yeah, maybe not."

"Seriously, I need to get home now. Penny's probably wondering where I'm at and all of my good excuses expire in an hour. Eventually the only reasonable one is the truth, and I'm not ready to tell her I just screwed a Sampson."

Lucas snorted. "Yeah, well, I'm not too proud either sweetheart." He disappeared into his room, and this time he did slam the door in my face. I rolled my eyes and made my way down the hallway.

"Hey!" Maddie said, poking her head around a corner and scaring the shit out of me. I gasped and held a hand to my chest. Maddie smiled sympathetically. "Sorry. Just wondering, want a pizza bagel before you go?"


So Maddie and I sat on their living room couch munching on pizza bagels while an old soap opera played in the background. The money was safely tucked away in my waistband. Maddie was a chatterbox, and the only time she stopped talking was when she took a swig of her soda. She didn't have an issue talking around a mouthful of pizza bagel.

"Soo did you and Lucas like, do it?" Maddie questioned, reaching for the second to last pizza bagel. I did the same, and she backed off a little to let me score the final one. 

I winced at the questioned. Lucas obviously didn't want people knowing he was anything other than straight, but I mean, this was his sister- and she clearly cared about him. "What makes you say that?" I deflected the question, trying to stay on Lucas's good side was hard enough at work. 

"Well, you guys were fighting. I heard the thuds and the bashing, then it all sort of stopped for a second. Then I heard the crowbar land on the floor, and then it sounded like my brother was getting fucked out of his mind, and then-"

"Okay, okay!" I exclaimed. "Yes, we 'did it'," I whispered. "But don't tell him I told you, okay?"

Maddie held out her pinky like I'd done earlier, and I took it, shaking it seriously. Maddie giggled a little. "I haven't done a pinky promise since I was little. A man that does pinky promises is not a man that should come knocking on another man's door with a crowbar." She said it like was a quote from a book. 

Thou that doeth pinky promises shall not appear on another man's doorstep with thy crowbar in hand! I translated in my head for some reason. Okay, maybe I was a bit of a dork. 

"Okay, I really got to leave now. I need to pick up some things for supper tonight, and then I gotta get home. Thanks for the bagels though, I really appreciate it."

Maddie beamed. "Anytime. Hey, if you ever need to eat less because of your family, come by. We've always got plenty of freezer food. Trust me- it's no problem at all."

I smiled, feeling reassured for the first time in a while. "Thanks Maddie."

"Of course."

I waved goodbye before hurrying out into the cold evening air, really wishing I'd brought a jacket. 

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