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"Why on earth would you go to their wedding?" asked Penny.

I leaned against the doorframe while she did her makeup, sitting on the tiny stool at her vanity, her legs cramped beneath the table. 

I shrugged. "I'm going with Maddie. She needs some emotional support. She is not happy about this."

Penny frowned. "How the fuck does Lucas Sampson getting married to some psycho chick affect us? Spoiler alert, it doesn't. I was going to go over to Tia's today. If you and Maddie are at the wedding, then I'll have to stay home."

Insults about her girlfriend burned on my tongue. "Can't Tia come over here? She never comes by anymore." 

Penny winced, clearly remembering her girlfriend's last temper tantrum when she was over here. "I don't know..."

"Please Penny. Maddie needs me."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're going because you and her are up to something. You aren't going to try and stop it, are you?" Penny asked accusingly.

I would if I could, I thought sadly. "No. I'm just going to sit next to Maddie. That's it."

If there was any way to stop the wedding, some being up above needed to give me a sign- and fast. 

I headed downstairs after Penny begrudgingly agreed to stay home and invite Tia over. I turned on the Flintstones for the girls to watch, and told them to behave for Penny and her girlfriend. I whispered to Libby to make sure Wynnie doesn't get on Tia's nerves. Libby remembers Tia's outburst, Wynnie didn't. So Libby nodded, wide-eyed, and pinky swore. 

I grabbed my jacket from the hook. The nicest one I had, with no stains or rips or tears, and pulled it on over my nice white t-shirt- the only one without any spots. I finished the look with a pair of black jeans, praying I didn't look underdressed compared to the rest of the guests. But then I remembered that it was the Sampsons we were talking about. And their family didn't exactly know how to dress up.

The wedding itself was nothing crazy. It was the old church, with foldable wooden chairs and a plastic table with cheap store-bought food on it for the guests. I found Maddie outside smoking, tears brimming at the corners of her eyes, but she refused to cry because she'd spent an hour on her makeup. 

"This isn't right, pumpkin," Maddie whispered to me, crossing her arms as she flicked away her cigarette butt. 

I nodded. "I know.. but we can't do anything about it, can we?"

Maddie stomped her foot. "There has to be something. I can't live with that bitch, knowing she hurt my best friend..." 

"Maybe she'll stay somewhere else?" I suggested.

"Yeah right. She cares way too much about  upholding this whole marriage image. She's going to want to live with him. I can't stay in that house any longer. Especially with my dad home." She threw up her hands. "That's it, I'm going to find someplace else to live."

I blinked. "I mean, you can always stay with me Mads," I offered.

Maddie nodded thoughtfully. "Maybe for a little bit, but I need to find an apartment or something. A place of my own. Y'know?"

"Mads, you're fifteen. You can stay with us."

She smiled, her shoulders relaxing. "Okay, okay. Thanks pumpkin."

I looked back towards the doors, where guests were filing. Some of them I recognized only because they were regulars at the bar where Chester worked. Speaking of Chester, I spotted him among the group shuffling inside. I jogged over to him, tugging on his arm.

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