.Twenty Two.

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We reached the alleyway outside the Bargain Mart and I reached for the door that led into the back freezer, but Lucas grabbed me again. 

"Who was that?" he demanded.

I groaned. "Lucas-"

"Don't Lucas me," he said, mocking my whiny tone. "Why was an old man groping you in public? What'd you say or do that made him think that was okay?"

I sighed. "Okay, so I sucked his dick a couple of times but it was only for the money and-"

Lucas pinned me to the wall, pressing his forearm into my chest. "You sucked his old man cock?!"

I wriggled uncomfortable. "Yes! Yes, okay?! Only twice! And I got two hundred bucks, cash, each time."

"And what'd you do with that money?"

"I got Libby shoes..."


Lucas let go of me and I held a hand to the aching spot on my chest where his elbow had dug in. "Douchebag," I grumbled. 

"Yeah, well you can call me whatever you want, after you suck my dick," Lucas said. He had a hungry look on his face.

I flushed. "L-Lucas I have to go to work, I can't do that here-" 

"But you can suck that fifty year old's? Huh? That's what I thought fucker. On your knees. It won't take long. God, I haven't been able to cum without you for fuck's sake."

I turned away, covering my face with my hands. Lucas grabbed my face and made me look at him. "Don't turn away now. Were you shy when you pounded me senseless? No. Were you shy when you touched me in the parking garage? No. Were you shy when-"

"Okay, okay, I get it! It's not that I don't want to," I said slowly. "It's just..."

"What? You want me to pay like he did?"

"No! No, not like that I- I'll. Uhm. I'll suck your dick whenever," I mumbled quietly. 

Lucas cupped a hand to his ear. "What was that Barker?"

I swatted his arm. "Shut the fuck up! I know you heard me. No, I don't want your money, I want the money from this job that I need to go to right now. You wanna wait behind the counter with me that's fine."

Lucas quirked an eyebrow, waiting for more.

I sighed. "I'll give you a blowjob after I close."

Lucas grinned. "That's what I like to hear. Good boy," he said, tousling my hair. The words sent trails of warmth down my body. 

I opened the door into the storage room and stepped inside. It was always freezing in this part. So I tightened my jacket around me as I made my way out to the front of the store. I turned the sign from CLOSED to OPEN after running through each aisle and making sure everything was spick and span. 

As soon as I returned to the cash register, Tyler walked in.

Lucas sat on the floor behind me, looking at a catalog. He bunched his knees up to his chest so that he could tap the back of my heels with his toes. I rolled my eyes, but didn't make him stop. I focused on Tyler, trying to remain professional.

"Welcome to the Bargain Mart, anything you need today?"

"Just you," chirped Tyler.

I felt Lucas's toes go still, and felt him tense up. I willed him to stay down there. I smiled politely at the boy. "Cute. But seriously, anything you need that you can purchase from the shelves?" 

Tyler shook his head. "Nah. I came in to ask you in person if you wanted to go out with me Saturday to the skating rink. Figured it was more romantic than a text message."

Maybe, but a warning of your arrival would've been nice. Or Hell, a good morning. Maybe if you actually gave me attention I wouldn't have kissed-

"Hey are you good? You look a little tense," Tyler commented.

"Nope, I'm peachy. Anyways, I'll think about it and text you my answer. Cool? Alright. Have a good one!"

Tyler frowned. "You sure? I could give you a massage or something...~" The underlying message in his tone made my whole body go still. My hands were trembling, so I hid them beneath the counter.

"Seriously, I just need to get my shift done. I'll text you afterwards though. Cross my heart."

Tyler seemed satisfied with that. "Alright. See you later cutie."

I let out a loud breath of relief once he was gone. I slumped against the wall, hovering above Lucas, who lay flat on his back, staring at me with a question on his face. Lucas sat up again, sliding his legs out from under me so I could properly collapse to the cool tile floor. Lucas grabbed me by my collar and dragged me to him, pulling me into an angry kiss.

"Mmph! Woocish," I mumbled around his lips. He cradled the back of my head with his hand and jammed his tongue down my throat. I groaned softly. We were both sitting on the floor behind the counter, lacing our fingers through each other's hair and grunting into the kiss. Lucas pulled away, saliva strung between our bottom lips.

"Mine..." he panted. "Mine, mine, mine."


He ripped me towards him again and crashed his lips into mine. I obeyed. I was getting so turned on by the way he bit down on my bottom lip. I couldn't take anymore when his hand slipped beneath my work apron and down my pants.


Lucas broke the kiss, staring at me. "What the fuck was that Barker?"

"I- the fuck do you mean?! It's perfectly normal to make those sounds when you're kissing people a-and- mmph!"

Lucas was against me again, his rough, chapped lips digging into mine. "I don't care what it was," he panted, his face inches from mine. "Make it again."

"You don't just make those sounds you know. You have to be stimulated and shit and n-ngh~ ahh~ Sampson!" I yelled, my face burning bright red. I shoved his hand away. Lucas was smirking. "Don't just do that! Give me some sort of warning before!"

Lucas tilted his head. "I make sounds when you're fucking my brains out, but I never hear those kinds of noises from you. Kind of hot Barker~"

"Shut your bitch ass up before I shove it up your ass right here, right now," I threatened.

"Oo, I'm so scared," chuckled Lucas.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, just as another customer walked in. Thank God no one had been in here while Lucas was... uhm, yeah. Doing that. "Hi welcome to the Bargain Mart! Anything I can help you with today?"

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