.Twenty Three.

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I ran until my lungs felt they would explode. I could still hear Penny screaming my name, begging me to come back. And I saw Wynnie at the front window, watching me flee. Instead of facing my problems like a man, my sisters had seen me run like a bitch. And where did I end up? That damned two story white house with the nice lawn, though since Mr. Sampson was back was now filled with scattered beer bottles.

I barely made it up two steps before the door swung open and Lucas stepped out, cigarette in hand. He saw me there, keeled over on his front steps, and quickly shut the door. He didn't say anything, just lifted one of my arms over his shoulders and let me lean on him while we walked to the side of the house. He lowered me gently to the grass, reaching up his thumb to stop the flow of tears I didn't even know were streaking down my face. 

"Hey, shh, shh, shh," Lucas murmured, patting my shoulder awkwardly. "What happened? Ned? Penny? Maddie?"

I shook my head, taking in a gulp of fresh air before I squeaked out. "Adam's back."

Lucas had heard about Adam, he knew Adam, he remembered Adam. The good and the bad, just like Penny and I did. Because Adam and Lucas used to be friends. Adam showed up this morning on our front doorstep, banging loudly and waking the girls up. I was supposed to be at school with Maddie, but I didn't want to leave Penny alone with him. Because he wasn't alone either.

"He brought us a goddamn baby! A mixed baby. He's adorable, has these big brown eyes and curly brown hair. Adam got some chick pregnant, and now he says he just wanted to stop by to say Happy Birthday."

"Birthday?" Lucas questioned.

I glared at him.

"I heard the rest, too!" he protested. "Whose birthday is it?"

I sighed. "Mine. I'm turning eighteen in two days."

Lucas ran his fingers through his hair. "Shit. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I dunno. I don't really celebrate it. The girls make me little handmade gifts, Penny tries to make some type of dessert, fails, then buys it from a store, it's the same every year. That's how it should be. Me, Wynnie, Libby, and Penny. Not fucking Adam!" 

"Huh. You all have names that end in 'ee', then he's just 'Adam'," Lucas mused.

"Can you focus?" I said, my voice choked with anger and despair. 

"Right, sorry. Look, it can't be that bad. He's just stopping by, saying Happy Birthday, then dipping."

I shook my head. "You don't get it. Adam hates kids. He's planning something, and I'm scared for that baby's safety." I grabbed Lucas's hand. "Can you come over? Please?"

Lucas winced. "Don't give me that fucking look Barker. You know Samantha. I don't think I can..." he trailed off.

"Adam's an old friend, right? Tell her you went to visit an old friend. That's not technically a lie, is it?" I was desperate.

Lucas grimaced. "I don't like people that walk out on family. I wouldn't call us friends anymore."

"Please Lucas."

Lucas looked helpless. "I- ah shit. Alright Barker, you win. But I won't like it." 

I dove at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah, just get off before Samantha sees. Let's go. Now."


I opened the door cautiously, in case anything was being thrown. But everything was quiet. I stepped inside, Lucas close behind me. His hand grabbed the fabric of my jacket, balling it in his fist as he hid behind my back, peering over my shoulder. 

Penny was in the kitchen, sniffling over the sand which she was putting together. 

I rushed to her as soon as I saw the black eye. "Oh, Pen," I said, cupping her chin. Penny looked at me, the red mark on her cheek and the cut on her lip visible in the bright kitchen light. Tears brimmed in her blue eyes. 

I turned around. "ADAM!" I bellowed.

The steps creaked as he made his way downstairs, a bottle of booze in one hand. He held that little baby in his other arm, so that his little fragile head flopped sideways. I rushed forward. Adam, startled, raised the bottle in his hand to bring it down. I froze. I was just going to grab the baby. 

The Adam I grew up with would've never struck me. He loved his siblings more than anything. "What happened to you?" I asked. His brown hair looked like it'd been cut with a kitchen knife, and he had a scar on his neck and eyebrow. He had bags under his eyes, and he reeked of alcohol. The baby was silent. Not one coo or cry. I needed to get that child away from him.

Adam snorted. "I don't know what you're talking about. Where's my sandwich bitch?" he called to Penny. 

"What the fuck did you just call her?" I didn't care if he was a football star, or bigger than me. I took a step forward, fists clenched. 

I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. Lucas pulled me back towards him. His hand remained steadily on my shoulder. I wished I could bury my head into his chest until Adam left, but that was delusional thinking. 

"Hey Lucas," Adam slurred. 

"Hey pal," said Lucas through grit teeth. He pretended to just notice the baby. "Oh he's adorable! Can I hold him?"

Adam nodded, and more or less tossed the baby up and into Lucas's arms. I rushed to the baby. I took it from Lucas, adjusting it in my arms so that it's head was propped up the right away. I shook him gently in my arms, and he closed his eyes in what might as well have been relief. "Where are the girls?" I asked, looking around wildly.

Penny let out a choked sob.

"Shut up whore!" Adam yelled. "I sent them to the grocery store."

"You did what?" I shrieked. "You sent my fucking kids to the grocery store? Libby's six!" My heart was racing. "Oh my god. They're going to get kidnapped, or hit by a truck, or or or!"

Lucas rested his hand on my shoulder again. "Calm down, okay? I'll go find them. You help Penny in the kitchen. I'll bring them back, safe and sound. And if I have to kill a pedophile to do it..." he trailed off. Then he hugged me around the baby, shielding our faces with his body so that he could peck my cheek.  

"Okay... okay.." I was breathing heavily. I hadn't had a panic attack since I was a little kid having nightmares that propelled me to Penny's bed for comfort. 

Adam snorted. "You two act like a couple of married fags." He set his bottle down on the table and stumbled over to Penny. He snatched the sandwich off of the plate and scarfed it down. Penny was shaking.

I was suddenly remembered of a moment, back when we were younger, and Mom and Greg were throwing dishes at each other's heads. We'd been shaking then. Adam and I, while Penny stood in front of us to take the shards of shattered china plates. How could Adam treat her like this after everything she's done- for both of us?

I glowered at Adam, still cradling and rocking the baby. "Get out of my house."

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