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Our footsteps echoed as we raced each other, laughing, up the floors of the parking garage. I beat him to the third floor, he beat me to the fifth, and so on until we were on the highest floor. "Isn't it pretty?" I asked him, gesturing to the view of the city from where were standing at the edge of the floor.

"Yeah..." said Lucas.

I turned to him, and saw he wasn't looking at the view, but me. I blushed and turned away. Lucas grinned and grabbed me by the back of my neck. "Aw come on Barker, don't get all shy now! We've got fuckin' to do!"

I rolled my eyes but grabbed his waist and pulled him against me. It was a simple but intimate move that got him excited every time. He cupped my face and smashed his lips into mine, licking and biting my lips. He was starving, I could feel it in the way his tongue explored my mouth and the way his hands explored my body. He pressed me against the wall and ground into me, rolling his hips and rubbing his dick right on top of mine. I groaned softly. That just egged him on. "You like that Barker?" he asked breathily. 

"Shut the fuck up and keep kissing me Sampson," I panted. He obliged, wrapping his fingers gingerly around my throat before our mouths collided against each other. Hot, heavy, and drooling we groped each other's bodies. Slipping hands under shirts and down boxers, searching for any sort of sweet spot to make the other one moan in pleasure. When one of us succeeded, you could feel their grin against your lips. 

We were absorbed in our world, just us and the cool breeze fanning our sweaty bodies. Until a pebble skidded across the floor, and we broke apart, both of our heads whipping around. 

Samantha stood there, brows arched and arms crossed. I stepped back from Lucas, who slowly slipped his hands out of my pants and into his pockets. Samantha let out a short bark of laughter. "I should've known you were up to something the second you tried protecting him from your dad!" Samantha growled, no amusement on her face despite the laugh. 

Lucas crossed his arms. "What the fuck do you want from me?! I married you, didn't I?! Dad believes it, everyone believes it! Why can't you just leave it at that?"

"I need to keep the cops of my back, and to do that, I need to do everything I said we were doing."

Lucas paled slightly. "Samantha, no. I married you, is that not enough?"

She pointed her slender finger at me. "And you!" She hiked up her cheap wedding dress, the hem stained from the dirty garage floor. "Why can't you leave my husband alone? He doesn't want you! He wants me."

Lucas turned to me. I wanted him to deny it, to tell her off and tell her that I was the one he loved. But I should've known better. Lucas was too scared. I crossed my arms over my chest. "You never said we couldn't make out, did you?" I asked.

"I told you to stay away from him," snapped Samantha. "And I find you chewing each other's faces off!"

Lucas glowered at his bride. "I don't want anything more to do with you Samantha, okay? The wedding is over. That's that."

She shook her head. "Oh no. No, no, no," she waggled her finger, a crazed look on her face. "It's not over! No sir, no sir it's not! You know why? Because you owe me something for-" she gestured at me and Lucas. "This!"

"Like what?" Lucas exclaimed, exasperated.

Samantha grinned wildly. It reminded me of the same crooked grin that Mr. Sampson had had on TV all of those years ago. I shuddered. "I want a child."

"So go adopt one."

"No, it has to be yours. To make it believable."

Lucas gawked at her. "You seriously want me to do it with you? Just like that?"

Samantha quirked an eyebrow. "What's the issue? We've slept together before. You never seemed to mind it then."

I knew what he was thinking. What he'd told me in my bedroom that night. You. Only you. The words rang in my ears, and made the whole situation hurt so much worse for me- so I could only imagine how Lucas felt right now. And could he do anything about it? No, because Samantha had that look on her face that said she was about to tattletale.

"Your dad will love hearing about how much you like eating dick," Samantha snickered. 

Lucas stiffened. "Samantha please-"

"No buts. Make a kid with me tonight. Then I'll leave you alone."

Lucas swallowed. "I..." He hung his head in defeat. "Okay. I'll do it."

I wanted to protest. I turned away, fighting back tears. Samantha flashed us both a yellow grin. "Great. Thanks hubby. I'll see you tonight~" And without another word she skipped happily down the exit ramp.

Silence lapsed between us. We stood in place for a good few minutes, and then something in Lucas seemed to snap. He whirled around and rammed his fist into the concrete pillar. My eyes widened and I rushed forward, ripping him away. 

"Jesus, Sampson what the hell?" I lifted up his hand. Sure enough, bloody knuckles. I looked at Lucas, but he was staring off into the distance. He wouldn't look at me, wouldn't say anything. I knelt down, carefully lowering him to the floor and into my lap. "Lucas... say something. Please?" I tucked my finger beneath his chin and tilted his head up to face me. His dark brown eyes screwed shut, and he brushed my hand away. 

"Leave me alone Barker... I'm done for. I have to knock up Samantha..." he said, rubbing his face with his hand and groaning. But he didn't move his head from my thigh. He lay there for a few moments. Then sat upright, and turned to look at me. He had a desperate look on his face. "We have to kill her. That's the only way."

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down. There is definitely another way, Lucas. We are not killing anybody." Plus, I have a feeling she'd expect it, I thought with a shiver. She always seemed to be a step ahead of us. It'd take a lot to trick her into a death trap. 

Lucas stood up, and I tried to follow suit, but he shoved me back down. "Just.. stay here, okay? I'm going to go home. Make sure Samantha is there or heading there. I don't want her following you home."

"Can't you stay with me?" I begged. I rose to my feet. 

Lucas shook his head. "I don't think so."

I turned away. It hurt my chest. "Lucas... I think we were right to separate before."

Lucas whipped around. 

"Look. I just- don't think it's safe for us to keep doing shit like this with your dad and Samantha around. It puts you in danger, and that's the last thing I want. And if you think Samantha's crazy enough to follow me home, then this definitely just won't work out. I can not endanger the girls like that."

I turned to leave, and Lucas dragged me back by my arm. "Are you... are you leaving me? Like actually leaving me?"

I winced. "I think so..."

Lucas let go and took a step back. "W-Well you can't! Because I'm going to dump you. You can't break up with me Barker, because I'm breaking up with you first!"

I blinked, confused. "What? What are you on about?"

Lucas looked genuinely pained. My heart ached as he turned and began walking away. "I'm leaving you Barker. You don't get to leave me!" he yelled over his shoulder. 

I watched him go, shoulders hunched. I wouldn't chase after him. I couldn't. There was no point anymore.

"Goodbye Sampson," I mumbled.

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