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[Im god- Clams Casino & Imogen Heap]

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[Im god- Clams Casino & Imogen Heap]

Happy birthday
(Fluff + Angst)

{Don't forget to vote :}

I pick up the last vanilla cake that was not bought by any family because of how plain it is with no decorations. It was the last cake of all I might even eat it.

I place it down onto the counter top that I usually use to pack up the cakes into a box for our customers. I feel my black stockings graze against each other with the black skirt I bought myself a few months back.

I put my finger out soon to touch the cake before locking the doors of my cake shop. Before I can touch the white cake, I hear the jingle of the bells from the door that signaled me everyday there's a customer.

I turn my head to the sound of the bells clashing with each other. My hair moves as I move my eyes to the person coming in after closing hours, my hair being finally being down after keeping it up the whole day for safety reason.

"Sorry we are close." I say politely

I notice the man close to my age with raven hair going down to his broad shoulders. He seems so familiar to me I seen him before, with his hands his in sweatpants pocket.

"Oh sorry didn't see the sign.." he says softly

He turns himself around, hearing the jingle of the bells again to him taking a step to leave my cake shop and with the faint smell of cologne I recognize the similar eye color, It's Suguru.

He's from middle school, we were in the same class but afterwords we went to different high schools and never saw him again.

"Suguru ?" I say his name

Maybe I was wrong, I should put him behind me because this guy looks tired so different from the Suguru I remember.

Eye bags that are very dark like a sleepless man, but I feel like it could be him to rekindle an old friend; an old friend that was gentle with me in middle school.

The man stops himself, holding the door open he turns around catching gaze with my eyes. The cold wind of the February cold brews into my cake shop, but he stopped.

"Do you know me?" He questions

I lean away from the counter instead I stand in front of the register, the bright lights of the stores shining in his eyes.

𝐉𝐔𝐉𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐔 𝐊𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒Where stories live. Discover now