Clash of the Classes

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The next day, Yara went to school feeling determined. She attended a few classes in the morning, and during recess, she sat with her friends by the window. They enjoyed the sunlight and the view outside.

Suddenly, a group of boys from Division B came out of their classroom, laughing and chatting. Among them, Xiumin noticed Yara sitting by the window. He looked at her with interest and couldn't stop staring.

Yara felt someone watching her, so she glanced out the window and met Xiumin's eyes. She felt a flutter in her chest and wondered who he was and why he was staring. Curious, she turned to her friends.

"Hey, who's that guy and his friends?" she asked, nodding towards the group outside.

Her friends exchanged uneasy glances and quickly told her to move. "Um, maybe you should sit with us instead," one of them said nervously, avoiding her questions.

She constantly asked her friends about it, but they always dodged the question, their expressions turning serious and tight-lipped.

One day, the school announced a special event - a weekly class match where both divisions would come together to play a game on the ground. Yara's heart raced as she realized this might be her chance to finally get some answers.

As the two classes gathered on the field, the tension was palpable. Yara's friends stood with their arms crossed, their eyes fixed intently on the opposing team. But Yara's gaze wandered, her mind still preoccupied with the mysterious boy who had caught her eye earlier

Let me introduce the 12 boys from Division B, each with their own unique personality and secrets:

Here are the names:

*Division B*

1. Suho - the brooding leader with a scar above his left eyebrow

2. Kai - the charming flirt with a mischievous grin

3. Sehun - the quiet genius with a passion for coding

4. Baekhyun - the star athlete with a competitive streak

5. Chanyeol - the rebellious artist with a penchant for trouble

6. D.O. - the smooth-talking diplomat with a hidden agenda

7. Xiumin - the loyal protector with a heart of gold

8. Kris - the rugged adventurer with a love for extreme sports

9. Luhan - the charismatic performer with a flair for drama

10. Tao - the intense strategist with a mind for tactics

11. Lay - the fearless thrill-seeker with a death wish

12. Chen - the enigmatic outsider with a mysterious past


And then, the game began...

As the match began, the two teams clashed with fierce determination. Yara's friends cheered and chanted, but she remained lost in thought, her eyes drifting back to the mysterious boy - Xiumin.

Suddenly, Xiumin caught her gaze and smiled, and Yara felt a jolt of electricity run through her veins. The game intensified, with both teams fighting for victory. But Yara's attention was fixed on Xiumin, and she found herself wondering - what secrets lay hidden behind those piercing eyes?

As the match reached its climax, a surprising twist changed the game's dynamics. The PT teacher announced a sudden change in rules - the teams would now play a mixed-game, with boys and girls from both divisions playing together!

Yara's heart skipped a beat as Xiumin approached her, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Looks like we're on the same team now," he whispered, his voice sending shivers down her spine.

What happens next? Will Yara and Xiumin work together to win the game, or will their differences tear them apart? The story is getting more interesting!

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