Clarifying Misunderstandings

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The next day, Yara gathered her courage and headed to school, unaware of the intense fight that had broken out between the two groups of boys. As she walked into the classroom, she noticed RM, Suga, Jin, Jungkook, J-Hope, Jimin, and V sitting there with visible injuries. Concerned, she rushed over to them.

Yara: "What happened to you guys? Are you okay?"

The boys looked embarrassed and worried, trying to downplay their injuries.

RM: "We're fine, just a little accident. How about you? Are you alright?"

Yara, feeling a mix of anger and confusion, replied sharply.

Yara: "I'm okay, but what about you guys?"

Before they could say more, the teacher entered, silencing the class. Lessons began, but the tension hung heavy in the air.

After classes and during recess, Yara called both groups to meet her in the school hall after school ended. When they arrived, they eyed each other warily, already on edge.

Yara: "Stop! Why are you all fighting? What's going on?"

Both groups started arguing again, blaming each other for the intense fight. Yara intervened, demanding to know the reasons behind their conflict.

Division A (from her class) spoke up first, their frustration evident.

RM: "We saw you upset on the festival day. We thought Division B was causing you trouble."

Division B (from the other class) retaliated, equally upset.

Kai: "It's not like that! We were trying to help you, but they misunderstood."

Yara realized it was all a misunderstanding. She explained how she was bullied by a group of girls on the festival day because of her friendships with both groups.

The misunderstanding was resolved over time, but tensions stayed high because of an old argument between the two groups. Even though Yara tried to make peace between them, they left without talking to each other, still cautious.

Yara didn't understand why they acted that way, so she decided to find out what caused their bad feelings. Starting the next day, she began to investigate the past conflict that kept her friends apart.

And so, the story keeps going as Yara tries to uncover why her friends can't get along.

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