When you cross my mind, I'm reminded of the three L's.
Of the Love I held for you.
The pain of your Loss.
And the fact that I somehow have to find a way to Live with it,
Re-learn how to live life without it.It hits me that I'll have to endure this journey without your various depths,
That I will feel your absence till I myself am robbed of breath.But then just before you leave, I'm reminded again.
Of the joys that come with living,
The happiness that comes from knowing I loved you, verily.
That I get to carry you with me merrily.That even though in the end I lost; I still won,
Because I get to remember that amongst everything.I got too love and be loved by
You, of all things.It's now a gentle comfort to know that till my death I get to love you still,
and that until then you'll always have a place to call home. <3
Anonymous writings
RandomA collection of recent writings from my notes app and personal journals. *Not my cover art! Shoutout google for the pic! xx*