yes Sam, angels have wings

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Sam was sulking, making has way through the bunker looking for a certain whiskey eyed angel. He had questions.

Sam had known angels had wings of course, how else did they fly everywhere, popping in and out so quickly. What he hadn't known, or rather, what Gabriel had lacked to tell him, was that they could be seen.

Sam had walked into the living room at the exact wrong time earlier, he refused to think about Dean and Cas had been doing when he walked in and then quickly walked out before being noticed, he hoped at least. What he couldn't stop thinking about though, was the fact that he could clearly see Castiels wings. Two big, beautiful wings. The feathers a mix of black  and dark blue highlights.

After he escaped being noticed by the pair, mentally vomiting at their activities, he would never be able to sit on that couch again, he had started through the bunker, looking for his own angel. He had to know if Gabriel's wings could be seen as well, he was certain they could be if he wanted them to be, but why had he never shown him?

After searching the bunker, and not finding any sign of Gabriel, Sam sighed to himself, deciding to go for a walk. He climbed the stairs and exited the bunker, heading off in the direction of the little field beside them. He couldn't help but think that Gabriel just didn't want Sam to see his wings, despite the fact that they had been together for a year now. The topic had never come up.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear Gabriel come up behind him. He felt arms snake around his waist, a warm chest press up against his back.

"Hey Sammy. Watcha doing out here?"

Sam jumped a little as he realized Gabriel was there now, shaking his head to clear his mind.


"About what?"

"Your wings"

Sams reply came out before he could filter it, he hadn't meant to say it so bluntly, he wanted to figure out a way to casually bring it up. He felt Gabe stiffen a little behind him.

"What about them Sam?"

Sam sighed, turning around in the other man's arms and staring down into those beautiful eyes that he loved so much.

"I want to see them."

He fully expected Gabriel to pull away, telling him he was crazy and would not be seeing them ever. Instead, he did the opposite.  He smiled up at him, leaning up to give him a quick kiss.

"So you know that little secret do you?"

Sam nodded, sensing that this was a bigger deal than Gabriel was letting on. He knew that Gabe loved him, but he had never brought this up before. There had to be a reason why.

"OK kiddo, I'll show you. But you can not touch them. Deal?"

Sam nodded again, taking a step back. Gabriel slid off his jacket before pulling his shirt over his head and dropping them to the ground. Sam stared, his eyes wandering over the tanned skin of Gabriel's chest, he loved the way the angel looked so soft, even though he was well aware of just how strong and firm he felt.

Sam watched as Gabriel took a step back, the setting sun throwing shades of orange and red across his face and hair. He was beautiful.  Gabriel rolled his shoulders before unfurling his wings.  Six large wings. All covered in golden feathers. He hesitated, looking down to Gabriel's face before taking a step closer. He had never seen anything more perfect in his life. Gabriel looked every bit the being of legends. He walked around to see the back side,  gasping as he saw the image they made. All six wings stretched out fully, the fading light showing how the wings were not just gold. They were brown tan  feathers, gold highlight running through  each feather, the same color of his hair. He let out a shaky breath, his arm reaching up before he knew what he was doing. He wanted to touch them so bad.

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