let me help you

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This takes place after season 13 when Dean is still awol and Lucifer is still dead. Only difference in Gabriel didn't die against Michael. He returned to earth with Sam.

Sam sat silently at the war room table. Most the refugees were out on cases or settling down in their new lives. The few remaining ones were spread across the bunker bedrooms asleep. It was just past 3 am and tge bunker was silent.

His mind was racing through memories of apocalypse world and dying in tahy cave, then Lucifer bringing him back. His mind jumped back into the cage, his years being tortured by Lucifer and Michael both.

He pressed his thumb harshly against his palm, rubbing his scar with a soft pained groan. Everything hurt. His mind felt like it was going to explode, and his chest was tight with fear coursing through him.

He didnt notices anyone had entered the room until he felt warm arms wrap around his hunched over body. Sam jerked aeay, trying to eacape thetrapped feeling that came with the arms.

The touch sent hell fire up and down his body, he felt it through out his entire body down to his soul. A strangled gasp was all that could be heard from him as he slumped against the table.

Soothing calming waves of grace flooded through Sams being, chasing away the feeling of fire from his soul.

"Sam? Sam can you hear me? I need you to breathe Sam. Just breathe for me okay?"

Sam shuddered in releif against the suddenly comforting presence behind him. He felt hot tears on his cheeks and pressed back inti the welcoming touch.


Soft fingers stroked through sams hair, grounding him further back to reality.

"Shh...its okay Sammy. Im rite here. It's okay. Yoire safe. Nothing can hurt youhere. Nothing will touch you here."

Sam shuddered and turned arpund, burrying his face into Gabriels chest. Hand moved through his hair and along his spine as calming words were whispered into his hair.

Once he started to calm down, sam leaned bacl enough to look up at the man in front of him.

Gabriel reaches down, wiping away thentear trails on sams cheeks, a small sad smile playing on his lips.

"Come on giant...i think its time for bed."

Sam shook his head quickly. The idea of being left alone in his small room made his chest constrict with fear.

Gabe just nodded and sat down beside Sam at the table.

"Wanna talk about it?"

Sam wanted to reject to offer, but the warm worried look in Gabriel's eyes made him nod in agreement.

"It's just...everything with Dean being gone and with me dying and Lucifer bringing me back. I dont know, it's just nothing seems real. I feel like im back when i just got out of hell and i didn't know what was real and everywhere i turned i saw Lucifer there. Talking and taunting and just...i mean at least then i had Dean and Bobby, but now...now i dont have anyone and i guess....its just all to much."

Gabriel nodded and sighed softly.

"We are going to find Dean Sam. But until we do, youre not alone. You bave Cas and Jack...and you have Me. You helped me get back from where i was after Asmodeus. Let me help you through this now. If anyone can understand this, i can."

Sam leaned back in his chair, watching Gabriel. He tried to keep his expression stoic, but he could feel the weight of everything bearing down on him and he was exhausted.

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