almost human

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Gabriel stared blankly ahead as he walked back to his and Sam's hotel room. He had gone out to grab food for them since Sam hadn't eaten anything all day, and Gabriel, being so low on grace, required food and sleep still to replenish his grace. 

Being so low on grace, Gabriel was basically human, in every sense, including emotionally and mentally, which he was not used to at all.

He found himself often spiraling down a pit of depression when he was alone, and being new to having emotions, he didn't understand what was going on, and didn't feel the need to tell anyone.

Gabe pulled out the key to the room, unlocking it and walking in, setting the food in front of Sam before silently crawling onto his bed and channel surfing.

He stared at the tv, not really paying attention to what was on, to deep in his mind to pay attention. He didn't notice that Sam had moved to the bed until he felt warm arms pull him against a larger body.

"Hey, you okay?"

Gabe nodded absentmindedly, not really looking at Sam. He pressed his smaller body back against the hunter, only now noticing how cold he was.

"Sam...I don't like this...being human.."

The normal happy tone to his voice was gone, leaving him sounding hollow and depressed.

"I know Gabe. But you'll be back to yourself in no time, okay? You just gotta hang on a little more. Give yourself time to recover fully."

Gabe sighed and nodded, turning around and curling up into Sam's side, hiding in the hunters arms.

Sam sighed and laid down, pulling Gabe down into the bed with him.

"Go to sleep Gabe. You look exhausted..."

"Stay with me? I don't want to sleep alone..."

Sam stared down at him. He knew that Gabriel got bad nightmares about his time in hell, and things before that. He always heard him in the night, but he had never asked Sam to sleep with him until now.

He nodded slightly, pushing down the growing worry for his friend.

"Okay..let's go to sleep then.."

Gabe gave him a weak smile and curled up into Sam's side, closing his eyes and falling asleep almost instantly.

Sam sighed and closed his eyes, falling asleep as well.

The next few nights were the same as they continued their hunt. Sam had managed to locate the small nest of vampires they were hunting and the two of them were currently outside of it, checking their weapons before entering.

They managed to get in and dispatch the three vampires quickly, Sam taking out two I one room, while Gabe took out the last one in another room. It wasn't until Sam had joined Gabriel in the room that they realized their error. Out of the corner of his eye, Sam caught sight of a fourth vampire. This one was smaller than the others, but still deadly. She made a move to attack the unknowing angel, and almost succeeded, except in the last second.

Sam lunged forward, pushing Gabe out of the way. The vampire sunk it's teeth into Sam's arms, biting down hard and deep. Sam quickly decapitated it and pushed the corps away before crouching down beside Gabe, ignoring his injured arm.

"Are you okay?"

Gabe's eyes widened as he realized what had just happened. He pulled off his shirt, wrapping it around Sam's arm, though it did little to stop the bleeding.

Sam wobbled some before falling completely against Gabe, unconscious and bleeding bad.

"Sam? Sam wake up!"

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