leave a light on

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Sam had been acting strange. Everything had been fine recently, the boys had gone on a few hunts in a row. Gabe and Cas had popped in for assistance when needed, but for the most part they had been fine. The last hunt they cane back from seemed to have really shaken them.

It should have been a run of the mill demon hunt. They had followed the omens to a small town in Wisconsin and found the demon wreaking havoc on the members of the community.  She was making deals while collecting others, the usual. A cross road demon should not have been a challenge,  that was what Sam had told him. Even so, when they got back home to the bunker, Gabe could tell something was wrong. Dean was angry and Sam just looked tired.

Gabe had tried to talk to him, but he wouldn't give him a straight answer about what happened. Sam had gone to his room and immediately put up enough warding sigils to keep Cas and himself out, and locked the door to keep Dean from entering.

That had been a few hours ago. Gabe was sitting in the library, leafing through a few different lore books. He had tried to talk to Dean, but Cas had stopped him, saying that Dean wanted to be left alone, despite Cas immediately following him into his room.

Gabe was worried about his human. He could feel the emotions radiating from Sam's room. Anger, sadness, despair. The strongest was the fear he felt. He didn't know what to do, no one would tell him what was wrong, and he had promised not to read their minds without permission. So he sat in the library feeling helpless.

Gabe huffed in annoyance, closing the book he had given up on reading. He went to the kitchen, making a sandwich and walking back to Sam's room. He hesitantly knocked on the door, feeling the fear from Sam spike.

"Sam? Can I come in?"

He didn't hear an answer, but he felt the warding dissappear as it was scratched off and took that as a yes. He opened the door slowly, his eyes glowing in the darkness of the room. He saw Sam sitting back down on his bed as he closed the door.

"I thought you might want something to eat?"

Gabriel crossed the room, sitting the plate on the small night stand and taking a seat on the bed beside Sam. Now that he was in the room, he could feel how distraught Sam was. His emotions whipped through him in a storm. He reached up slowly, running his fingers through Sam's long hair.

"What happened?"

Sam shook his head, not wanting to talk about it. He had clearly been crying. His eyes were red and glassy, and his cheeks still shined from the wetness of his tears. Gabe sent small whisks of his grace into sam, trying to sooth his distress.

Sam leaned into the touch before fully resting against his angel. Gabriel wrapped his arm around him, holding his weight easily. His chest squeezed at the sight. Fresh tears were falling from Sam, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Sam, tell me what happened. Please?"

Sam buried his face in the angels neck, his arms wrapping around him as he curled against his side. Gabe tightened his hold, letting his wings unfurl and wrap protectively around them. He felt Sam trembling in his arms, small whimpers coming as he cried. Gabe held him close, letting him cry. He ran his fingers through his hair, not sure what else to do.

"It was the blood."

Gabe didn't stop, but he felt the dread building in his chest. He may not have been there to see Sam's struggle with demon blood before, but he knew the toll it had taken on him, and he knew the damage it had done to him.

"What happened?"

He could feel Sam shaking harder as he tried to take a beep breath before answering.

"We thought it was just one cross road demon. We didn't know that they started working in groups now. We tracked one, thought we got the jump on her. Four more were waiting. They trapped us. We tried to call you guys for help, but they had the place warded. The one we tracked, she was possessing a little girl, but she was stronger than a normal demon, I think she must have been their leader or something, she was definitely the one in charge."

Gabe nodded, shifting as sam practically climbed into his lap like a child. He held him tight, now rubbing his hand across his back in circles. Somehow he knew where this story was going, and it broke his heart as he waited for Sam to speak again.

"We couldn't move. They were taunting us. The leader, she said she knew what kind of monster I was. That she had seen what I had done back then. She said she wanted me on her side, that she could give me the power I needed. I didn't want it. I told her no, but the others had Dean, they were going to kill him. I couldn't do anything to stop them, I had to save him."

Sam was practically begging for him to understand. He could feel the desperation in his soul. He hugged him closer, kissing the top of his head, but still not interrupting.

"So when she offered me her bleeding arm, I took it. I drank the blood. I only meant to drink a little, just enough to be able to kill them, but once I started I couldn't stop. I killed them all, but Dean said my eyes turned black again when I did. He wouldn't look at me, he didn't speak once on the way back. He thinks I'm a monster....maybe I am."

Sam was clinging to Gabriel, as if he thought he would dissappear and never come back to him. Gabe shifted, laying him down on the bed.

"You need to sleep Sam."

Sam nodded, but didn't release his grip on the angel.


Gabe smiled sadly, laying down beside his hunter. Sam curled up into Gabriel's arms, burying his face in his chest as he cried. Gabriel held him, hating that he couldn't do anything. He wrapped his wings around them, letting his grace wash through Sam.

"I'm a monster."

"No, you're not."

"Yes I am. Only a monster would do the things I've done. Only a monster would drink the blood of other monsters."

Gabe felt his anger growing, he wanted to go our and hunt these demons down, even though he knew they were already dead. He wanted to go barge into Dean's room and rip him a new one. How dare he blame Sam for this, how dare he blame him for saving their lives. Instead, he focused his grace, manifesting something he had never shown anyone outside of his older brothers.

"Sam, look at me."

Sam peaked his head up, his eyes widening in shock at the halo glowing above Gabriel's head. Sam moved his hand from gabes jacket without realizing it, reaching up to trace the circle of gold light.

Gabriel bowed his head slightly, pushing the halo into Sam's hand. He gasped at the feeling of pure energy rushing through him. He would have thought it would be warm, but it felt cool, like cold water calming the burning feeling of his emotions. He gripped it tighter, gasping as the feeling grew stronger. He heard words in his mind.

'You are not a monster. You are good. Pure. You are safe now.'

Sam locked his eyes onto gabes glowing ones, expecting to see his lips moving as he heard his voice, but he was just silently staring back.

Sam closed his eyes, focusing on the wave of emotions radiating through the angels grace. Anger at the demons and Dean, sadness for Sam, and the unyielding love flowed through him. He focused in that, letting the feeling wash over him.

Gabriel slowly pulled Sam's hand away from the halo, bringing it to his lips in a soft kiss to the palm.

"Was that...could I hear your thoughts?"

Gabe nodded, letting the halo fade, causing the light from his eyes to seem brighter. Sam slipped his hand from Gabriel's,  sliding it up his cheek and to the back of his head. He leaned up, pulling him into a soft kiss.

Gabe smiled against his lips, tangling his fingers into Sam's hair as he kissed him back. The broke apart, Sam nuzzling into gabes arms again, his exhaustion finally winning him over. He felt his angels wings settle around him, promising to keep him safe tonight. He could still see the light behind his eyes as he drifted off.

'I love you'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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