- Twenty-second -

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"Are you sure everything's going to be all right?"

John looked worriedly at Hyeri, who had resumed eating calmly. They had both returned home after Jungkook's furious departure, but while the woman had quickly regained her composure and was acting as if nothing had happened, John had not. He couldn't help worrying.

"For what?" Hyeri asked in turn.

The young man frowned, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"You told me he was consensual. But judging by his reaction, that doesn't seem to be the case..."

Hyeri suddenly put down her cutlery, a little more roughly than she would have liked, startling John. She turned to face him, plunging a dark gaze into his.

"He is." she replied. "He will be. Young people these days lack seriousness. He doesn't know what he wants."

The woman's gaze shifted, settling on her glass of water, looking pensive.

"It's time he gave up this futile love that will never be reciprocated." she sighed, more to herself than to John. "It's for his own good. I don't want him to be hurt when he finds out that Taehyung is engaged too..."

John didn't hear what she mumbled, but he understood that the situation was more serious than he had thought. And it worried him even more. When his father had told him that he had arranged an engagement with Jeon Jungkook, he had been pleased, because his studies were taking up so much of his time that he didn't have time to meet anyone. He had been assured that Jungkook also wanted the engagement. But things were going to be difficult.

John unconsciously stared at his hand, the same one with which he had greeted Kim Taehyung. And maybe it was just a hallucination, but he'd had the impression that the man had squeezed it a little too hard when Hyeri had told him about their engagement.

"I must have mistaken..."


"Damn it!"

No sooner had Taehyung closed the door behind him than Jungkook stormed into the living room. He was red with anger, he'd never been in such a state. He was bitterly resentful of his mother and brother, but his hatred had never reached such heights. It was unbearable. His emotions were too powerful, his rage so great that it threatened to consume him completely. He could feel his whole body burning, like molten lava, and he could feel tears of anger welling up in his eyes.

He had to let it out or he would end up destroying himself. This anger was new to him, he didn't know he could feel anything so intense, and he had no idea how to control it. So he grabbed the first thing that came to hand, a vase, and threw it at the wall with all his might. The vase shattered in a violent explosion, before the pieces crashed to the ground, shattering further.

Taehyung, seeing that the boy's anger had reached an unknown (and dangerous) level, stepped back, positioning himself just at the entrance to the living room. He knew that Jungkook needed these outbursts of anger, that he was having trouble controlling his emotions and needed to get them out. So if he had to break a few pieces of furniture and other objects to do it, then that was no problem. It wasn't as if Taehyung didn't have the money to replace them.

No sooner had the vase been broken than Jungkook turned and grabbed another decorative object, which he threw back.

"Fucking hell!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. "Who do they think they are?! Those cockroaches, those fucking bastards!"

The teenager lashed out completely under Taehyung's impassive gaze. In just a few minutes, despite his rather frail physique, he completely devastated the living room. Whether it was small objects or larger ones like chairs, everything passed under his hand and ended up shattered on the floor.

"I'm going to kill them, I'm going to kill them all!"

Seeing that everything had been broken, and that there was nothing left for him to vent his anger on, the boy began to walk in circles, desperately looking for a way to let off steam. Seeing him so lost, looking for another way to vent his emotions, Taehyung chose this moment to come out of the shadows. He moved towards Jungkook silently, not making the slightest noise so as not to startle him, avoiding the glass and wood on the floor. When he finally reached him, he grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards him, quickly enclosing him in his embrace.

Jungkook resisted at first, by instinct, because he was so angry that any physical contact would only burn his skin, further rekindling the fire that was already burning inside him. However, all it took was for Taehyung to place a long kiss on his forehead for all that rage to be transformed in an instant into profound sadness, and the poor boy immediately burst into sobs. He wrapped his arms around the man and buried his face in his chest.

"Hyungie..." he cried. "It's not fair, why does this always have to happen to me..."

Taehyung honestly didn't have an answer for him. He too was still in shock. What he had felt when Hyeri had said those few words was indescribable. For a few moments, he had felt his world shake. "Will they succeed in taking him away from me?", these were the thoughts that had gone through his mind. The Jeons wanted to take Jungkook away from him, they'd been trying it for years now. Sometimes Taehyung even doubted that Hyeri didn't know about their relationship. Why else would she put so many obstacles in their way?

"Shh... Calm down sweetheart, everything's going to be fine..." Taehyung tried to reassure him.

But Jungkook didn't seem ready to calm down. He continued to cry, hot and fat tears rolling down his cheeks. Taehyung forced him off his chest so he could take his face in his hands. He crushed his lovely little cheeks, which even when reddened by his tears looked like two plump buns, and kissed first his forehead, then his eyes, the tip of his nose, then his lips. He repeated this action several times, until the boy's crying subsided and his breathing became more or less normal again.

"My darling..." Taehyung said again once he had calmed down. "You're an adult now, you know they can't force you to do anything. If you don't agree to this marriage, they can't force you..."

Jungkook looked into Taehyung's eyes with tear-filled ones, and the man's heart sank as he saw the distress in his baby's eyes.

"B-But... But what if they had a way? Hyungie, I'm scared..."

One of Taehyung's hands left his cheek and went round his waist, pulling the teenager against him.

"Love, don't think it's that easy to take you away from me." The man whispered, something dangerous in his voice that might have frightened Jungkook if he didn't know that Taehyung would never hurt him. "You're mine, Jungkook, and there's no way they're taking what's mine. And if they want to take the risk of defying me, so be it. I'll destroy any obstacle they put between you and me. Even if these obstacles are our own parents."


I really like possessive Tae🤭 Also, what are your thoughts about John?

Hope you liked this chapter, and see you soon 💕

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